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Giedi Prime, 10185

The night air wrapped around Leonara like a chilling embrace, her breath visible in the cold as she hurried through the desolate landscape, her mission to the Heighliner complete. The path she tread was not a common one, in fact, there was no path. She had twisted away from the general trail and was walking on the outskirts of Barony.

A concealed cubicle, nestled in darkness between the palace and the aircraft station, drew her focus. Its blackness seemed to devour light, a void in the shadows that screamed of secrecy and danger. While others might overlook it, Bene Gesserit's keen senses couldn't be fooled. Suspicion gnawed at her, mingling with the tendrils of fear curling around her mind.

Leonara wondered why such a shadowed Cubicle was out here.

They wanted to hide it, put it somewhere no one would look.

Leonara looked around her cautiously. There was no one gaurding it, but no one there either. She calculated her descision quickly, her mind whirling through the possible outcomes.

They won't kill me either way

She closed the distance between her and the cubicle, noting a hand id. She scowled, trying to think of a way to open it. She studied it, noting the intricate designs she had studied back in the ChapterHouse. The harshly etched scratches inside of the insert and the rather largeness of the hand pocket suggested this belonged to the Baron.

What would the Baron be hiding?

Her curiosity only loomed further as she noticed the intricate locks. Expensive locks, locks that could only be afforded using three handfuls of Melange. 30 Million Dollars.

She could try and use the voice, but it probably wouldn't work either.

3 handfuls of Melange for locks. There must be something strange in there, I have to try.

"OPEN" she said, using the voice. She shuddered, feeling the impact of the voice. It chilled her to the bone, stripped away some of her humanity, but the door swung open, to her surprise, revealing infinite darkness inside. Leonara's grip around her dagger tightened.

Leonara wondered why the door opened. Objects never reacted to the voice...

She stepped into the small room, and immediately the light seemed to disappear. She squinted, trying to find whatever was concealed in this small room. And as her eyes finally adjusted to the darkness, she saw it.

She let out a gasp as she tried to scramble away, but her back only hit metal. Fear overcame her senses, overriding any Bene Gesserit training to stay calm. Her instincts told her to run. To run the hell away. She slammed against the door, frantically trying to get it to open.

Shit, the door locked.

"OPEN". The computer in front of her flared to life just as the door swung open. She let out a scream as a loading screen appeared on the machine. Words appeared in dark red.

Welcome, Baron. How may I help you today?

She shut her eyes, her heart pounding, as she slammed the door closed and slumped against the wall, her hands trembling.

It could've killed her. As her mind cleared, she was left with a very obvious question.

Why would the Baron have a computer?

Leonara walked back towards the palace, still shaken from that previous interaction. It made sense why there was no one guarding it, after all, even the Baron's most loyal subjects wouldn't approve of such a risk. Then came the question, why would the Baron risk a second war against AI? Why would he possess such a computer that had been outlawed centuries ago?

Promise //Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen// DuneWhere stories live. Discover now