48 - KHALA

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Giedi Prime, 10192

As the first light of dawn filtered through the window, Khala stirred from her slumber, blinking sleepily as she gradually became aware of her surroundings. She felt Feyd's warm presence beside her, his arm draped protectively over her waist as he slept soundly beside her.

With a soft sigh, Khala shifted closer to him, seeking comfort in his embrace as she nestled against his chest. She could feel the steady rhythm of his heartbeat beneath her cheek, a soothing lullaby that calmed the storm of emotions raging within her. Feyd stirred awake as she moved, his eyes fluttering open to meet hers with a gentle warmth that melted her defenses.

"Good morning," he murmured, his voice husky with sleep as he brushed a strand of hair from her face.

The glow of last night lingered in the air. The memory of the earth-shattering orgasm she had experienced blushing her face.

"Morning," Khala replied softly, her voice barely above a whisper as she snuggled closer to him, seeking solace in his familiar presence. She felt safe with him, protected from the uncertainties that plagued her mind.

Sleeping with Feyd-Rautha, the heir to the Harkonnens. The opposite side of the war. She groaned, regretting her decision at once. It was different when they were together before– this Feyd was not the Feyd she knew. She didn't know who he would stand with when the time came.

Feyd shifted slightly, propping himself up on one elbow as he gazed down at her with a tender affection that made her heart flutter.

"How are you feeling?" he asked, his voice filled with genuine concern. Khala hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to put her tumultuous emotions into words.

But then, she met his gaze and found the courage to speak her truth.

"I'm scared, Feyd," she admitted, her voice trembling slightly. "Scared of what the future holds, scared of what we will become." Feyd's expression softened at her confession, his fingers gently tracing patterns on her skin as he sought to comfort her.

"I'm with you," he reassured her, his voice a soothing balm against her fears. "I'll always be here for you, no matter what."

Tears welled up in Khala's eyes at his words, a surge of gratitude flooding her heart as she realized just how much he meant to her. "Thank you, Feyd," she whispered, her voice choked with emotion. "Thank you for everything."

She didn't continue what she wanted to say. The sentence felt like a goodbye, a farewell to a lover you didn't want to leave.

He watched her reaction, a frown on his face, "what's wrong?"

"We... we won't last, Feyd."

"What do you mean?"

"The whole universe has pitted us against eachother. Our first meeting, all those years ago, was from a forged marriage. Me having to leave you after we got too close to true love, us fighting on different sides of the war... You're a Harkonnen, and I'm a Fremen at heart." She said slowly.

Feyd tensed, his gaze hardening, "You know I don't support the Baron's ways," he said curtly. She heard a bit of hurt seep into his voice.

Khala bit her lip, "I know, but we weren't meant for eachother. Fate has written it that way, Feyd." Her fremen eyes met his Harkonnens, different shades of blue meeting in the middle, two colours that were never supposed to clash, "Me and you were born to die."

Feyd's jaw tightened at her words, a flicker of defiance glinting in his eyes. He stayed silent for a moment, before slowly pulling her closer to his bare chest.

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