20 - KHALA

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10186, Giedi Prime

Under the silvery glow of a moonlit sky, Feyd and Leonara found themselves enveloped in a tranquil oasis nestled amidst the harsh desert landscape. The air was alive with the sweet scent of night-blooming flowers, their delicate petals swaying gently in the soft breeze. Around them, the world seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of them suspended in a moment of timeless enchantment.

Feyd reached out, his hand seeking hers with a tenderness that spoke volumes of his affection. Their fingers intertwined, each touch sending a jolt of warmth coursing through their veins. Leonara's heart fluttered at the contact, her gaze locked with Feyd's in a silent exchange of longing and desire.

"You look breathtaking tonight," Feyd whispered, his voice barely above a murmur yet resonating deeply within her soul. A blush tinged Leonara's cheeks as she lowered her gaze, unable to withstand the intensity of his gaze.

"And you, my love, are the very embodiment of perfection," she replied, her words filled with a sincerity that echoed the depths of her heart. Drawing her closer, Feyd enveloped Leonara in his embrace, his arms encircling her with a protective strength that made her feel safe and cherished.

She nestled against his chest, her head resting against his shoulder as they swayed gently to the rhythm of their shared heartbeat. In that moment, time seemed to stand still as they surrendered themselves to the intoxicating magic of their love. Each touch, each whisper, was a testament to the bond that united them, a bond forged in the fires of passion and tempered by the trials they had overcome together.

As they gazed up at the stars twinkling overhead, Feyd leaned in, his lips brushing against hers in a soft, lingering kiss. In that fleeting moment, the world faded away, leaving only the two of them suspended in a timeless embrace.

Giedi Prime, 10187

Khala sat up suddenly, her face obscured by a tangle of hair. She panted, her eyes stinging with unshed tears.

With a heavy sigh, she realized it was just another dream—her heart sinking at the realization for the umpteenth time. 

For three days, Khala had dwelled among the Fremen, yet for three consecutive nights, her dreams had been haunted by memories of her former lover. Each fleeting image—a stolen kiss, a moment of bliss—served as a bitter reminder of what she had lost, leaving her yearning for a reality that could never be.

"You're up early," a voice broke the silence, and Khala turned to see Chani, her eyes soft with understanding. Chani was a comforting presence, a fellow soul who shared in Khala's pain and sympathized with her restless nights.

"Just another dream," Khala muttered, sinking back onto the thin blanket strewn over the sand. It was thin and provided no comfort. Adjusting to life among the Fremen was proving to be a challenge, worlds apart from the luxurious existence she had once known as the betrothed of the Harkonnen heir.

"About him?" Chani inquired gently, her tone laced with empathy. Khala nodded, her gaze drifting to the horizon as memories of her past love flooded her mind once more. The first time she had awakened from such a dream had been excruciating—a raw realization of the stark reality without her beloved Feyd.

Yet, in her anguish, she found solace in Chani's compassionate presence, shielding her from the judgment of others who failed to grasp the depth of her grief.

"What's the plan today?" Khala asked, seeking to shift the focus away from her own anguish.

Chani shrugged, her expression grim. "There is no plan, just survival."

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