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Giedi Prime, 10191-10192

Khala did not exist anymore.

Yes, Khala had entered the room, cautious and confused. But she had never left the room. Khala had died in that chamber, forced out of the known universe without a choice. Every memory of Khala was erased.

Instead, Leonara Mohiam marched out.

Her eyes were not brown anymore. No. They were pitch black. Devoid of any emotion, just as the Baron wanted them.  Where the once was a blazing fire, there was now an unseeing darkness in those eyes. There was no rage, no fear. 

Leonara remembered nothing but her continued loyalty to her master, the Baron. How he had saved her from the fremen who had manipulated her and left her to die. She was eternally grateful. She would give her life to him.

Her allegiance was to the Baron Vladimir Harkonnen.

Leonara padded softly towards the training room, her footsteps not making a sound in the cold, empty corridor. 

She had been assigned a new look. As her Bene Gesserit role had been shed, so did her clothing. She now bore the traditional clothing of a Harkonnen guard. Black chunky armor covered the girl from head to toe. She would become a Harkonnen, a soldier that would kill--and die for the Baron.

They had stripped her of everything she had when she entered the chamber, her clothes, the possessions nestled deep in her pockets and her identity. The only thing that marked her as an individual person was her hair, which was slicked back into a long, tight ponytail. The Harkonnens valued sleekness, hence the reason for her hairstyle. 

"Today we begin your training." A woman said, her eyes sweeping over Leonara calculatingly. She, alike many of the other Harkonnens, possessed a lack of hair. She seemed to approve of Leonara, with the slight tilt of her mouth. 

Leonara didn't move. Leonara barely even noticed the woman in front of her.

Her name was Tatiana.

The woman was terrifying, the wrinkles on her face making her appear strict. Unlike Leonara's unseeing and cold eyes, this woman's eyes held a menacing glint to them as she planned what she would do to Leonara. 

And that strict faced woman knew exactly what she was going to do with the lost girl in front of her; A girl who knew nothing but her undying devotion to the Baron. 

Her lip peeled back in a smirk, looking more like a snarl as she cupped Leonara's face. It was a symbol of possession, not affection. Leonara belonged to many people, Feyd, the Baron, Tatiana, but never herself. 

Tatiana's touch was cold; univiting, and it would've sent shivers down Khala's spine. But Leonara did not react. She didn't even feel the touch. Her pitless eyes stayed glued on a spot behind Tatiana, unseeing and unreacting. There was nothing behind those previously lively eyes of hers.

Tatiana cocked her head slowly, studying the doll in front of her, and slapped the girl. Leonara's eyes flickered up slowly, the only indication of reaction.  The spot where Tatiana slapped became a blotch of red, but Leonara didn't react to the touch. She felt numb: numb in her body and mind.

Tatiana grinned, seeing Leonara's numbness. Tatiana's mind was already racing with all the things she would do to this shell of a girl in front of her. This girl in front of her had potential. She was an empty canvas, a perfect plate for her new project. A project to make the most dangerous warrior known to man-kind.

"I will make you a monster." she said gleefully. 

And that she did.

Under the strict eyes of Tatiana, Leonara was taught to kill with meticulous precision. She was taught well–to make her into a mechanic killer. Slowly, she was taught to feel again, but many would rather not feel than experience the few emotions Leonara was allowed to feel. She was taught to only be guided by only a hope for revenge and loyalty to the baron. She was taught to feel nothing but hatred towards the rats on Arrakis, though taught to never show it–but instead use it as fuel to kill. Leonara was taught how to channel that anger to harm and to destroy.

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