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CHAPTER ONE ╰━━━━━∙⋆⋅⋆∙━━━━━╯ -ˏˋ⋆Hunter Caught Sight of Its Prey⋆ˊˎ-

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-ˏˋHunter Caught Sight of Its Preyˊˎ-


     "Are you kidding me?" Jimin made a sixth attempt to contact his fiancée, but unluckily he received no response once again.

"Why is it so hard for him to answer this damn call? Where on earth does he keep his phone?!" He glanced at his wrist watch and his eyes widened, realizing he was already running late, so fucking late.

"Fuck, this is bad." He exclaimed with a sense of urgency and immediately dialed his friend's number.

📞: Where on earth are you?!

"Hey, Yoongs! I'm so sorry! Seonho didn't pick up his phone. I have no idea where he is right now."

📞 : What do you mean? Oh, he'll give you a ride?

"Yes, that's right."

📞 : Okay, don't be too late. Joonie and Jin are almost drunk already.

"What?! Hey, you guys should have waited for me!"

📞 : Mind you, we have been waiting for you since 7:30, you dumbass!

"I'm sorry. I'll send you a text once I've arrived."

📞 : Okay, remember, don't be—

"YOONGS! He's here! I have to go. I'll see you there. Bye!"

Jimin hung up the phone fast and stuffed it deep into his pocket. The black Porsche Panamera soon stopped in front of him, and he didn't lose any time in forcing the door open with fury, getting into the car, and firmly shutting the door.

He was so mad, like super mad. He turned towards his fiancée and gave the man a quick kiss on the lips as usual.

"Hey, sorry for the hold-up." Seonho immediately apologized upon witnessing the expression on his lover's face.

"Sure. Drive." Jimin responded shortly. No one could tear his gaze away from the phone screen as he was trying to avoid eye contact with Seonho.

"Please don't be upset with me, Min. I am sorry."

"Don't start, Seonho."


"Listen, how could I not? Just take a look at the time. Nearly ten! I should be there at 8!" Jimin blurted out, his voice soaring up a whole octave.

"Hey," Seonho gazed in his direction, eyes betraying a tinge of surprise. "Where did you get that attitude from? That caught me off guard. I don't like that."

Jimin snorted, "What about you? This is something you always do to me. I don't like it either. It really gets under my skin. Over the years, I have been patient and until now, I've never seen a shift in you. None, nothing." He gave a sharp snap, crossing his arms across his chest, and cast his eyes out the window. His patience had run out.

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