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CHAPTER TWENTY TWO ╰━━━━━∙⋆⋅⋆∙━━━━━╯ -ˏˋ⋆A Remedy To Cure The Pain⋆ˊˎ-

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-ˏˋA Remedy To Cure The Painˊˎ-


     Jungkook went to his office with his nose that wouldn't stop bleeding. He nearly got into an argument with Jimin earlier since the man wouldn't allow him to go to work due to the state of his health.

However, he adamantly declined and insisted on going no matter what, causing Jimin to become annoyed and storm out of the car without bidding him farewell.

It left him feeling upset and instantly killed his mood. He strolled towards the lift and patiently waiting for the automatic opening of the door. Without wasting any time, he entered the lift and immediately leaned against the sleek silver wall and closed his eyes in exhaustion.

"What a great way to begin the day. That fucking assface dared to punch me. You should be grateful I didn't kick your balls. If Jimin's parents weren't there, you'd be in big trouble." He annoyedly spat out his words, hastily wiping away the blood that continued to flow from his nose.

He strode confidently out of the lift, determined to reach the meeting room quickly. Glancing at his wristwatch, he noticed that he still had a comfortable five minutes to spare before it began.

He shoved the conference room door forcefully and rushed inside with a gloomy expression. As soon as he entered the room, everyone, including Taehyung, stood up to greet him with a polite bow. He quickly dismissed it and gestured for everyone to take a seat.

All of them were anxious about Jungkook's expression at the moment. He looked pale and devoid of strength, unable to even keep his eyes open.

Despite the discomfort he was feeling and the curious glances directed his way, he remained composed and carried on with the meeting in a professional manner.

Meanwhile, Taehyung's gaze fixated on the visible bruise located next to Jungkook's eyes. His mind was consumed with worry for the man, making it impossible for him to concentrate on the meeting anymore.

He carefully observed the man and noticed that Jungkook was clutching the pen with such intensity that his thumb and index finger had paled by force.

Jungkook continued to wipe away the blood with a handkerchief, causing Taehyung to become extremely worried. He was so focused on observing Jungkook that he failed to notice that all eyes were already on him.

"Kim Taehyung," Jungkook called him with a tone that lacked any warmth, sounding rather cold. Taehyung felt the weight of his piercing gaze as if it could see right through him. "What are you doing in the middle of a meeting?" He asked.

Taehyung quickly averted his gaze, feeling a sudden rush of panic. "I apologize, Mr. Jeon."

"Do you take notes on their discussions?"


"Kim Taehyung, please stay concentrated on my meeting."

"Understood, boss. I'm sorry."

Jungkook glanced over at the person before him and instructed the individual to give the question to Taehyung once again, who was now prepared to provide an answer.

"According to Mr. Jeon, the upcoming comeback will incorporate the latest fashion trends in jewelry, combining them with the unique designs and patterns of the Serendipity brand. When can we schedule a discussion with the owner of the business?"

The question smoothly flowed from the guy's mouth, leaving no room for disorientation. It may seem like a straightforward question, but Taehyung found himself feeling quite flustered. His eyes nervously wandered to the desk, only to be quickly noticed by his grumpy boss.

"Have you not contacted him yet?" Jungkook questioned with a rough voice. "Kim Taehyung, I need an answer."

"Yes... I apologize. I completely forgot to do it."

The room was now filled with everyone's groans and sighs as they witnessed Taehyung's multiple mistakes. 

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