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CHAPTER THIRTY THREE╰━━━━━∙⋆⋅⋆∙━━━━━╯-ˏˋ⋆Shadowed by Desperation⋆ˊˎ-

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-ˏˋShadowed by Desperationˊˎ-


The moment Jimin walked into his room, his eyes immediately focused on the vacant bed that was perfect and neat with no sign of people sitting or lying on it.

He squinted in confusion, expecting to find Jungkook fast asleep, only to discover an empty bed devoid of any slumbering figures.

He stepped further into the room and wandered his eyes all over the place. And just then he saw Jungkook's laptop that was placed on the nightstand.

He came to the realization that Jungkook must still be working and had been staying in the office room since before. He thought the man might have been still there.

He quickly took off his jacket, swapped it for a cozy shirt, and promptly headed towards the office door.

*Knock *Knock*

He gingerly opened the door, stealing a swift peek inside to catch a glimpse of Jungkook. After spotting his boyfriend, he let out a quiet sigh and stepped into the room with a small smile.

"I wonder if anyone could tear this guy away from his work," he murmured, approaching his boyfriend who was peacefully asleep, his head resting on a pile of papers while his hand still clutching a pen.

He quickly snatched the pen from Jungkook's hand and promptly put it back in its case. With meticulous care, he tidied up the scattered papers, neatly arranging them on the side of the table and he switched off the desk lamp before gently scooping Jungkook into his arms.

He gently moved Jungkook to the back and carefully positioned the man's arm around his neck. He then wrapped his hands around Jungkook's waist and slipped them under Jungkook's masculine thighs.

"Shit! You're so heavy." He inhaled deeply before delicately lifting his boyfriend, causing Jungkook to emit a soft murmur and a faint sound.

"Shut up, don't talk or we're going to fall." He said and Jungkook responded with something he couldn't understand.

He couldn't help but bite his lower lips while having a foolish grin spread across his face as he witnessed his boyfriend's unexpected and adorable charm.

As he left the office and headed towards their bedroom with such struggle, he was greeted by a concerned expression on Mrs. Kim's face.

"Oh? What's wrong with Master?" Mrs. Kim asked with concern.

"It's nothing. H-He's sleeping. Ah-Mom! Can you help me open the door please?" Jimin asked and Mrs. Kim quickly assisted him without saying anything further before excusing herself.

Jimin let out a low grunt, struggling to comprehend the level of strength and self-assurance that he possessed to believe that he could effortlessly carry his hefty boyfriend in his arms.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17 ⏰

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