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CHAPTER FOUR ╰━━━━━∙⋆⋅⋆∙━━━━━╯ -ˏˋ⋆Little Cat Escaped⋆ˊˎ-

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-ˏˋLittle Cat Escapedˊˎ-


"What do you mean?! You people have no idea where the heck he is?!" Seonho blew up in an octave, worry has overtaken his body.

He was struggling to stay calm while searching for Jimin, but it seemed that it was impossible to reach the boy for now.

His anger began to consume him, causing his body to tremble slightly in rage. This wasn't supposed to happen. Never.

This has never happened before. He always could rely on Yoongi or other members to keep an eye on Jimin and make sure he gets home safely. But unfortunately on that night, Jimin had gone missing without anyone knowing where he was.

"Seonho, relax. We—"

"Relax? Listen, we are talking about my fiancée right now. My fiancé. He went missing and no one knows where he is right now. Fucking tell me how the hell am I expected to relax?!"

Hoseok was taken aback by the sudden outburst from the man, desperately attempting to quell the fiery rage consuming in the body. In the end, Seonho collapsed to his knees, overwhelmed with frustration. 

"Seonho-ah..." Yoongi slowly moved closer to him and squatted down to meet his gaze at eye level. "I'm sorry. I should have taken better care of him. I understand that saying sorry may not be enough. I promised to look for him with these guys later."

"He's right, Seonho-ah." Hoseok went on. "In fact, I was to blame. I shouldn't have talked to Yoongi about my problem yesterday. Then this would never happen."

"It's alright." Tears welled up in Seonho's eyes. "Let's not blame anyone. Just help me find him."

"Of course. We promise we'll find him no matter what."

Seonho nodded, getting back up to his feet with Yoongi's help next to him. He brushed away his tears, yet the overwhelming urge to crumble kept coming back.

He crouched down, trying to steady his breathing and calm his racing heart. Just then, the sudden roar of a sport car broke the silence from behind.

All of them turned around to look at the car, and soon, the car had stopped and parked nearly behind Seonho's car, leaving them all with brows furrowed in a state of confusion.

The three of them stepped closer to the car and waited for the driver to get out.

The door had finally opened, but only on the driver's side. A black-suited man who looked like a bodyguard got out of the car and bowed to the three of them without saying anything.

The man gracefully walked over to the passenger side and carefully opened the door, allowing someone to step out.

Seonho and the others anxiously awaited the appearance of that person, but to their disappointment, no one came into view even after a full minute had elapsed. They were compelled to approach the man and peer inside the car.

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