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CHAPTER SIX ╰━━━━━∙⋆⋅⋆∙━━━━━╯ -ˏˋ⋆A Stupid Liar⋆ˊˎ-

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-ˏˋA Stupid Liarˊˎ-


Seonho lounged on the couch, engrossed in his phone, paying no mind to the television playing in the background. He had just finished preparing a delicious meal for himself and Jimin and he finally had a moment to relax while waiting for his fiancé to wake up.

Jimin had been sleeping the whole time since the moment he stepped out of the shower and went straight to bed without giving a glance towards Seonho.

Seonho made multiple attempts to talk to Jimin and bring a smile to the boy's face.

But Jimin only gave a brief response before heading straight to bed, closing his eyes and shutting himself down. Seonho was left worried sick about him.

     He was eager to share with Jimin about his conversation with that mysterious stranger who had recently sent a suspicious text message to Jimin. And he found it funny since he really suspected Jimin had really betrayed and cheated on him.

Poor this man, he was completely clueless, absolutely clueless.

He was texting his friends, discussing the trip they were planning to go on next month and they were still deliberating on the best spot and activities. He thought it would be great to have Jimin come along with him on the trip.

But sadly, the trip was only for him and his friends. Every member should leave their partners for a while so that it will be just them to strengthen the friendship even more they said.

Seonho's fingers were like warriors on the keyboard, tapping on the screen quickly to respond to the suggestions in the chat room.

He was so focused on the discussion that he didn't realize Jimin had already gotten up and was in the kitchen sipping some water.

The boy drank the water slowly, and his face had lost the brightness that Park Jimin was supposed to have. He felt weak and humiliated, with no energy left to think about anything.

He simply wanted to be trapped in an isolated place without having to do anything until death took over his life.

He placed the glass in the sink, carefully turned around and went out of the kitchen. But his steps were snatched by guilt as he came to a halt on his path to the living room, starting to feel more terrible as soon as his eyes caught the sight of his fiancé lying on the couch.

He swallowed nervously and tried to act normally, but he couldn't. Even his legs were unstable.

He took a deep breath and prepared himself to approach Seonho. He was determined to pretend as if nothing happened, attempting to be his old self again. So, without thinking much, he walked directly to Seonho and quickly laid down on the man's body.

"Seonhie," he greeted his fiancé with a little pout before hiding his face in the man's neck.

"Hi, Min. You're awake." Seonho instantly turned off his phone and dropped it beside him, then wrapped his arms around Jimin's body.


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