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CHAPTER THIRTY╰━━━━━∙⋆⋅⋆∙━━━━━╯-ˏˋ⋆The Dismal Became Pleasant

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-ˏˋThe Dismal Became Pleasant.ˊˎ-


"Turn off the radio," Jungkook grumbled with a raspy voice, feeling the sudden discomfort in his sore throat. He leaned against his brother's shoulder in the car as Taehyung expertly drove them back to the mansion.

Junghyun was engrossed in his phone, while his other hand gently brushed Jungkook's hair. He came along to ensure that Jungkook got home safely, showing genuine concern for the younger's safety.

With the absence of his father now, the responsibility of taking care for the family grew heavier on his shoulders. It was his duty to look after Jungkook at this point and protect the younger from that bastard.

"Hyung." Jungkook called out, his voice quivered.


"Can you massage my head? It's hurting."

Junghyun hurriedly turned off his phone and placed it in his pocket suit before lowering Jungkook's head to rest on his lap. "Just sleep if you want." He spoke and began massaging Jungkook's head. 

But by the time his fingers reached Jungkook's temple and forehead, he sighed in worry and softly caressed Jungkook's hair away from the face and placed his palm on the forehead once again. 

"Kook-ah, you have a fever. You're burning."

"Really?" Jungkook responded quietly and closed his eyes as he felt a sharp pain struck his head. He gently took a hold of Junghyun's hand and brought it to his head, asking for a gentle massage.

And without hesitation, Junghyun began to work his magic. "Tae, let's go to the clinic first." 

"Clinic? Why?" Taehyung inquired, stealing a quick glance at the back through the rear-view mirror.

"Jungkook seems to have a fever." 

"Fever? He was perfectly fine earlier." 

"I'm not sure either. Let's just go to the clinic—" 

Junghyun came to a halt as Jungkook abruptly raised his hand, signaling for him to stop. "No need... I have pills at home..." Jungkook muttered amidst his hoarse voice. 

"Are you sure?" Junghyun asked in a gentle tone and received a nod from his younger brother. 

"Yeah... Let me just have a rest." 

"Alright. Rest as much as you want. I'll wake you up when we get there."

Taehyung pulled over to the side of the road and cast another glance towards the back, his eyes fixed on Junghyun. "So? Are we going?"

Junghyun shook his head, "There's no need, just head straight to the mansion."

"Okay." Taehyung nodded before shifting his gaze towards his best friend. He let out a concerned sigh as he noticed Jungkook's face was a bit pallid, which instantly sparked a blow of anger toward Minseok inside of him. 

"Do you know when was that fucking bastard came back to Korea?"

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