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CHAPTER TWENTY FOUR╰━━━━━∙⋆⋅⋆∙━━━━━╯ -ˏˋ⋆Making Love⋆ˊˎ-

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-ˏˋ⋆Making Love⋆ˊˎ-


     Never before had he experienced such overwhelming happiness. The ecstasy he felt was beyond words, surpassing all of his expectations. The sense of loneliness that often plagued him after work had disappeared completely, replaced by the comforting presence of someone in his arms.

"My love?" Jungkook's voice carried the boat of affection as he called out to his boyfriend, leaving no doubt about the depth of his love for Jimin.

Some people would be thrilled to have Jungkook call their name with such a sweet voice, which might bring them to their knees in an instant.

"Yeah?" Jimin, who had been bashfully hiding his face in the curve of Jungkook's neck, timidly raised his head and smiled at his partner with a surreal feeling of bliss. 

Well, he was in a good mood.

From Jimin's point of view, he also thought that he would never have the chance to experience the deep feeling of happiness and contentment that he was experiencing at the time.

He thought that after the collapse of his relationship with his ex-fiance, the phrase happiness would no longer be included in his definition of life.

But it was truly remarkable how God, in all his fairness and grace, ensured that everyone received the happy ending they truly deserved. It was just a matter of time and patience that we must confront.

He also couldn't fathom the fact that he found himself once again in a place of comfort, basking in the embrace of another's affection. He gazed into Jungkook's eyes, and what he found was a deep and genuine love for him.

Jungkook smiled while brushing Jimin's soft hair. "I wish I could stay like this with you forever."

Jimin giggled softly, loving the attention he got from the man. He leaned closer, planting a gentle kiss on his boyfriend's lips and nestling into the crook of Jungkook's neck once again.

"You have no idea how worried I was earlier. The fact that I'm also missing you seriously drove me nuts."

"Ah, really? I'm sorry for making you worried." Jungkook responded and emitted a chuckle at the end that was unexpectedly undeniably sexy, perhaps fuelled by his heightened desire.

Jimin couldn't deny the intense arousal it stirred within him after he heard that tempting voice. He was too damn horny not to react to it.

He moved and turned to stare at his boyfriend while his eyes were already blinded to lust.

"I know I've been saying this too many times but seriously, your voice has a knack for turning me on so much," Jimin said in frustration.

Jungkook smirked knowingly. "Really?"

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