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CHAPTER ELEVEN ╰━━━━━∙⋆⋅⋆∙━━━━━╯ -ˏˋ⋆A Suspicious Unknown Number⋆ˊˎ-

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-ˏˋA Suspicious Unknown Numberˊˎ-


4 years later

     Jimin was driving the car at a high speed, clearly in a hurry. As the minutes ticked by, his anxiety grew. Time was slipping through his fingers like sand in an hourglass. The weight of his lateness pressed upon him, casting a shadow of worry over his thoughts.

"How could I have forgotten to pick him up? You're such a great father, Park Jimin."

As he zoomed down the road, his reckless driving caught the attention of the other drivers. Honking horns filled the air as they reacted to his maniacal and dangerous actions. It was clear that what he was doing was putting not only himself but also the other drivers on the road, in harm's way.

But what were they thinking? Jimin got no ass to mind about them. Unfazed by their anger or frustration, he remained focused on one thing: his son, Park Jiwon, who was waiting for his arrival.

After what seemed like an eternity, Jimin finally reached his destination - his son's kindergarten. He slammed on the brakes, bringing the car to a halt.

"Oh fuck." With a curse escaping his lips, he swiftly released his seatbelt, his eyes immediately drawn to his son. There, sitting alone on a small chair near the front door of the school, was his boy who had his face etched with a tense expression.

Usually, he will be late for only 20 minutes. But on that particular day, he found himself running behind time by nearly an hour, sending him spiraling into a state of panic.

"Jiwon baby!" With a resounding voice, he called out his son's name as he quickly exited the car and strode toward the distressed child.

"Mommy! Why are you so late?" Jiwon sprang up from the small chair and dashed towards Jimin with tears welling in his eyes.

Jimin stooped down, gently scooping his son into his embrace. With a swift motion, he smoothed the damp strands of hair away from the boy's face and planted two tender kisses on his forehead.

"I'm sorry. Mommy was busy helping Uncle Hobi with his work and didn't realize it was already late."

Jiwon pouted and furrowed his eyebrows in upset. "I'm hungry! And I was so scared. A friend of mine said that you might have forgotten about me. Jiwon was so close to crying, Mommy."

"No no, Mommy apologized for being late today. I promise it won't happen again. Jiwon feeling hungry?" He softly asked as they made their way back to the car.

Jiwon gave an adorable nod, followed by a sweet hum, before embracing Jimin with his tiny arms around the neck.

"Mommy, can I get chocolate milk from that store?" Jiwon abruptly made a request and gestured towards the convenience store in question.

Jimin paused in his tracks, his gaze drawn to where his son was looking at. He noticed a quaint convenience store situated close to the barber shop, not too far from where he was now.

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