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CHAPTER EIGHTEEN╰━━━━━∙⋆⋅⋆∙━━━━━╯ -ˏˋ⋆Goodnight My Love⋆ˊˎ-

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-ˏˋGoodnight My Loveˊˎ-


     A wide grin spread over Jimin's face as he hurriedly stepped out of the car after parking it in Hoseok's garage. Well, he was happy. He had no idea he would succumb to Jungkook so easily. And plus, he was damn tired.

Keys in hand, he walked into the house without expecting to find anyone there. But when he looked around, he saw Hoseok doing something in the kitchen. Confidently, he moved towards the elder, wearing a friendly smile that betrayed no hint of wrongdoing.

"Hyung? You still up—"

"I had no idea that we were living in different time zones." Hoseok interrupted him without even glancing in his direction. He was occupied preparing a meal, likely feeling hungry from a busy day of work.

"What's the current time in your time zone? Mine is 2:10 AM."

A cough escaped Jimin's lips as he awkwardly cleared his throat. "I-I failed to notice the time."

"Yeah, of course."

"A-Are you mad, Hyung?"

Hoseok glanced at him, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Why should I be mad?"

"Then, what was that all about?"

Hoseok carried the plate in his hand, making his way back to the dining table. As he was about to respond to Jimin, his attention was suddenly drawn to something that caused him to snort and let out a light chuckle, eyeing the soul in front of him in disbelief.

"Where did you go, Min? Your neck is covered with many bruises. Which bugs have bitten you?" He asked, his voice dripping with teasing.

Jimin's eyes flickered with momentary confusion before widening in surprise. He quickly brought his hand to his neck, attempting to conceal the hickeys while his face already turning a deep shade of red in embarrassment.

"Um, hyung I—"

"Is it just a regular bug? Or a gorgeous bug? It can also be quite an attractive bug, don't you think so? Sexy?"

"Hyung!~" Jimin reluctantly gave up and whined in irritation, much to Hoseok's amusement as he burst into laughter.

"How are things going?" He finally asked as he began to eat his meal while occasionally glancing at his paperwork.

"Um..." Jimin suddenly burst into a bashful grin. "Well, we—"

"Ah, I see. Congrats, Min-ah."


"I knew it. Ah, Jimin-ah. You aren't one to easily open up to someone, but this is moving quite fast, isn't it? That bug's ass is probably the greatest one for you to grip, or maybe not only his ass, his di—"

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