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CHAPTER TWENTY FIVE ╰━━━━━∙⋆⋅⋆∙━━━━━╯ -ˏˋ⋆Sulking Out Of Jealousy⋆ˊˎ-

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-ˏˋSulking Out Of Jealousyˊˎ-


     Taehyung eventually reached the kindergarten where Jimin and Jungkook's son were anxiously awaiting his arrival. Glancing at the time on his phone, a grimace formed on his face as he realized he was already 30 minutes late behind schedule.

That happened due to he had forgotten to ask about the location of the kindergarten from Jungkook and confidently drove away. 

He finally realized it when the moment he had distanced himself far away from the mansion, unwavering in his decision to never turn back. So, he decided to send a message to Jungkook asking for the location and fortunately, Jungkook responded to it instantly.

He got out of his car and noticed that there were only three children left in the playground, waiting for their parents to pick them up. Taehyung observed each of them and wrinkled his brow in uncertainty, unable to figure out which of them was Jungkook's son.

"That fucking moron. He should have shown me a picture of that kid." He murmured with exasperation.

And when his gaze fell on one of the children, who was frowning and had a similar expression close to Jungkook when sulking, his legs moved towards the kid and halted right in front of the boy before stooping down to reach the child's eye level. 

"Hey, kid." He extended a warm greeting but all he got in return was a cold stare from the little boy.

"Ahjusshi, I'm sorry but you cannot call me a kid. I've got a name." The boy pouted in upset.

"Fine, what's your name then?" 

"Park Jiwon."

Bingo! Taehyung's face lit up with a smile as soon as he heard the name. He was relieved that he didn't have to exert as much effort to locate the boy. 

"Can you tell me who your parents are? Or you may give me their names as well. That would help better."

The boy glared at Taehyung as if he was ready to kick the guy's balls. "Ahjusshi, my Mommy always reminds me not to speak to strangers. So please stay away from me before I tell my Mommy. He is really scary, and Ahjusshi will cry if Mommy gets upset with you." 

Taehyung snorted out loud before rolling his eyes, unbothered with Jiwon being a kid at the moment. "But I'm not a stranger. Also, I am not Ahjusshi! I'm only 27 years old!"

Jiwon frowned drastically in alarm as Taehyung mistakenly raised his voice. He saw the sudden shift in the boy's expression and immediately apologized, not wanting the child to start crying out of nowhere.

That will be awful and bothersome, he thought. 

"I'm sorry Ahj— uh..." Jiwon began to rub his face, lost in a whirlwind of thoughts. He struggled to find the right words to address Taehyung, causing a wave of fear and uncertainty to wash over him.

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