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CHAPTER TEN ╰━━━━━∙⋆⋅⋆∙━━━━━╯ -ˏˋ⋆I Will Hunt You Down, Bastard

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-ˏˋI Will Hunt You Down, Bastard.ˊˎ-


9 months later

"Hyung, what are you up to?" Jimin asked, settling himself beside Hoseok at the dining table and continuing to savor the cereal he had prepared for himself.

Hoseok diligently jot down his thoughts on a piece of paper while his phone serves as a companion in his quest for precision. His brow furrowed, a testament to his unwavering focus, while his face remained serious. "I have a plan in mind, Min," he said.

"A plan?" The blonde inquired with a curious tone. He carefully scooped up another spoonful of cereal, savoring each bite with a bit of poutiness on his lips. "What is it?"

"I have decided to start my own business," Hoseok spoke in a serious manner.

"What business?"

"I think, that I'd like to set up my own Jewellery boutique."

"For real?! Woah, that's awesome. Do it, Hyung."

"I haven't told anyone about this yet. But it's awesome, isn't it? That's why I can't understand why my parents won't allow me to do this. They said—"

"It's woman's business."

"Yes, that's right! That's exactly what they said."

"Fuck off. When it comes to fashion, particularly boutiques and accessories shops, many people often assume that it is exclusively meant for women."


"Those people are deserving of nothing but knowledge. They should strive to cultivate a more receptive mindset. Men can also embrace fashion with equal grace. A jewelry business can be managed by a man as well. Fuck them, Hyung. Just do whatever you want."

"Very well," he responded with a nod. "Yoongs said the same thing. I think I'm now ready to start my own career. Thanks to you all, my confidence has soared to new heights. Thank you, by the way." Hoseok spoke, a genuine grin playing on his lips.

"I will always be here to help you, as long as you generously provide me with delicious food. Hehe."

"Aish," Hoseok chuckled. "Yah, tell me why you're eating that cereal right now. That's only for breakfast."

"But I'm having breakfast right now!" Jimin scowled in protest as his brother's voice grew louder.

"What?! It's currently 10 p.m., Park Jimin!"

"My baby's having breakfast! Not me," He said, his response was accompanied by a frown.

Hoseok scowled at the claim and rolled his eyes. "Don't you feel any pain yet?"

"Absolutely not. I'm doing fine."

"Are you sure? It's almost time."

"I know, but I'm glad. I can still enjoy this milk's flavor. Bitch, what type of milk is this? It's quite good."

"Stop eating or you'll feel like you're gaining weight again and cry your eyes out at me."

"It's just a bowl of cereal."

"But I know you'll eat more and more." Hoseok stepped forward and reached for the cereal box. "If I don't put this thing away from you."

Jimin's eyes widened as he whined in protest. "Ah, Hyung! One more, please!"

Hoseok ignored Jimin's desperate pleas, quickly placing the cereal high up on the shelf, out of Jimin's grasp due to his sticking-out belly. He turned his gaze towards the boy with a playful glint in his eyes, and slyly stuck his tongue out, instantly provoking Jimin's irritation.


"Yash! Language!"


"This little!"

"Hyung, please?" He tried again, his voice filled with a mix of desperation and hope.

"No. Just wait right here. I'll cook something else for you."

Jimin's eyes sparkled with excitement. "Is that so?! Okay, move quicker. My baby needs to eat!"

Hoseok let out a derisive snort. "Just say that you're hungry, Jimin."

"Okay! Minnie is hungry, so get moving!" The kitchen resonated with Jimin's adorable robot voice.

"Jimin, don't you want to find the father?" Hoseok asked out of the blue, catching the blonde off guard and causing him to quickly purse his lips.

Hoseok noticed the huge shift in the air and instantly spoke up again. "I'm just asking. This child really needs a father figure, Min. I know you can certainly be a single parent, but it would be great if you could find a partner to share the load with."

"Hyung," he whispered, nervously biting his lips. "I already tried."


"Yes, I'm still looking for that guy. I still texted him every day and waited for him to respond. I have been messaging him ever since I stepped into this house, which means 9 months ago, but to this day, I have yet to receive a single response."

"Ah... I see."

"I couldn't care less. That scumbag has to take responsibility for this child as well. I will find him no matter what." He said with unwavering determination.

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