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CHAPTER SEVEN ╰━━━━━∙⋆⋅⋆∙━━━━━╯ -ˏˋ⋆Narrowly Escaped The Clutches of Death⋆ˊˎ-

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-ˏˋ⋆Narrowly Escaped The Clutches of Deathˊˎ-


     Jungkook had a tie wrapped elegantly around his neck while his face contorted with anger. He was busy getting ready, preparing himself for the dinner meeting with the person he has a strong hatred of when it comes to matters of fashion.

The person didn't exactly have a knack for fashion or anything, but the design or idea they came up with was completely different from Jungkook's taste. And things got even more complicated for Jungkook when they asked for a collaboration.

If he could have turned down the request without any impact on his company, he would have done so a while ago, sparing himself the need to attend this pointless dinner meeting.

Despite his troubled state of mind, he displayed professionalism by agreeing to attend the meeting.

His emotions were still raw and he couldn't shake off the lingering anger and disappointment from the events that had just happened.

He realized his feelings towards Jimin were heavy and serious and he had never felt that way ever again after he had sworn off romantic life ever since his heartbreak years ago.

After their encounter at the club and their intimate moment together, he couldn't deny his strong affection for Jimin. But to his disappointment, he was once again faced with the heart-wrenching experience of being dumped.

He made a solemn vow to never let love touch his heart again.

Love is a lie.

Also a bullshit.

"Jungkook?" Taehyung cautiously approached him from behind, speaking in a gentle tone. He sensed that Jungkook wasn't in his right mind, like a ticking time bomb ready to explode at any moment due to his unstable mood.

Jungkook turned his head to the side, silently eyeing his friend.

Taehyung felt a sudden surge of nervousness as he met Jungkook's intense gaze, causing him to quickly bow in greeting. "We have to go now."

"Just five more minutes. I'll be down, leave." With an air of authority, he sternly demanded before reaching into his leather bag to retrieve his collection of cologne and wristwatches.

He carefully selected the cologne that perfectly matched his evening attire. After careful deliberation, he made his choice and opted for the Guess Seductive Homme Blue cologne.

With a sense of anticipation, he delicately applied it to his neck and both wrists. He swiftly snatched up a sleek silver wristwatch, sliding it onto his left hand before carefully returning all of the items to the supple leather bag and he prepared to make his exit.

But just as he was about to step towards the door, his phone vibrated with a sudden notification.

"I swear if it's Kim fucking Taehyung," he muttered in frustration, pulling out his iPhone from his suit pocket and swiftly unlocking it.

And just like that, his heart ignited with a fiery rage once again. An overwhelming surge of fury consumed him, causing a sharp pang of rage rising from the depths of his being.

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