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CHAPTER SEVENTEEN ╰━━━━━∙⋆⋅⋆∙━━━━━╯ -ˏˋ⋆Feel No Need To Escape⋆ˊˎ-

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-ˏˋ⋆Feel No Need To Escape⋆ˊˎ-


The car was filled with an eerie silence, as they refrained from speaking after the unsettling scene that had just unfolded. Jungkook was at a loss for words as he observed Jimin's somber expression from the passenger seat.

Jungkook thought it would be much better to discuss the 'sensitive' matter in a more private place. So, he canceled the order and suggested to Jimin that they find somewhere else to talk, and Jimin quickly agreed, leaving Hoseok's car behind at the restaurant.

Jungkook drove the car carefully while silently casting a short glance at Jimin. He spotted a melancholy look spread all over the man's face as he gazed out the window. He couldn't help but wonder what the deal was about actually.

"Jimin?" He called out, and within moments, the man turned to look at him and responded with a tired look.


"Are you alright?"

Jimin gave the man a shrug. "I'm not sure. I'm quite struggling with this mixed feeling of emotions on the inside."

Jungkook then parked his car by the tranquil river, where there were hardly any cars passing by. He unfastened his seatbelt and swiftly turned his body to face Jimin while wearing a worried expression.

"Would it be okay to talk here? Or do you want to go out?" He asked gently.

At the same time, he was having a strange thought about himself. He had no idea why he had gone soft on Jimin. He wasn't meant to be like this, and he didn't intend to be like this. He was supposed to be annoyed as he had no time to comfort someone who was suddenly having emotionally distressed.

He was meant to be cold and heartless, but on that particular night, he found himself unable to comprehend his own emotions. He grew increasingly gentle towards Jimin, sensing that there was a part of him that he knew Jimin before the accident happened.

"I'm okay with it," Jimin replied shortly.

Jungkook simply nodded in silence, his gaze fixed on Jimin, patiently waiting for his words to begin.

Jimin glanced up from his hands, his red eyes meeting Jungkook's. In that instant, his heart ached and shattered, overwhelming him with uncontrollable emotions.

"It was on that last night..." He started, glancing down once again at his fingers, which were idly toying with the edge of his shirt. His eyesight began to blur. "Don't you remember anything about it?"

"If this is about something important and serious matter, I'm so sorry. I don't remember a thing that has happened. I couldn't remember anything about it. And you—I don't even remember if I knew you back then."

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