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CHAPTER TWELVE ╰━━━━━∙⋆⋅⋆∙━━━━━╯ -ˏˋ⋆We Need To Talk⋆ˊˎ-

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-ˏˋ⋆We Need To Talk⋆ˊˎ-


     Jungkook set the phone aside, his brows furrowed in confusion. "Wrong number? But I dialed the right number," he whispered to himself, trying to find some logic behind it.

He let out a sigh as he held his old phone in his hand, his gaze fixed on the unfamiliar number that appeared on the screen, accompanied by a flood of messages. He was eager to read all of them, but sadly, he was unable to do anything because of the password.

Taehyung suggested for him to simply take the phone to the brand center to resolve the passcode issue, but he deadly refused it, fearing the loss of important texts and pictures stored in it.

Jungkook remained unconvinced, despite Taehyung's persistent reassurances that nothing was going to be lost.

He was determined to unlock the iPhone through his efforts first.

*Knock knock*

"Come in," he ordered sternly, setting aside the phone on the table.

He raised his gaze to meet the five employers who had just entered his office, their expressions tinged with nervousness as they clutched their files in their hands.


That's the only word that Jungkook said in his coldest and strictest tone, sending chills down everyone's body. But then Jungkook arched an eyebrow in disbelief when he didn't receive a response from any single one of them, which made his insider to boil in fury in an instant.

But fortunately, one of the employers quickly intervened before Jungkook could lose his temper.

"Yes, it's finished."

Jungkook gave a silent nod. "Place your file here, one by one, and form a single queue in front of me."

They all moved in accordance with the instructions they had received. The room fell into a heavy silence as everyone anxiously waited for their boss's next move.

The only sound that broke the stillness was the rhythmic tapping of their boss's fingers on the table, a constant reminder of the tension in the air.

"Whose file should I check first?" he inquired, a small smile playing at the corner of his mouth. "No one wants to volunteer? Five of you? None?"

He moistened his lips before reaching for a file, positioning it directly in front of him. His hand swiftly grasped a black pen.

"Then, let's start with this one." He opened the file with a sense of intrigue, his raised eyebrows and sharp jaw adding to the tension in the room.

"Kim Soohyun." He uttered a name with a sharpness in his voice, fixing them with a stern stare.

"Step forward," he demanded once again, flipping through the papers with a focused expression, examining the intricate designs and detailed sketches.

His eyebrows furrowed, a deep sigh escaping his lips as he delicately lowered the pen to the paper, quietly jotting down something on it.

Soohyun observed him quietly, starting to grow a bit anxious.

Jungkook hummed deeply, then nodded his head in approval. He closed the file and pushed it towards Soohyun, who successfully caught it with precision.

"Impressive job, I really like it. Start crafting your designs. Four months, at the very least."

Soohyun's eyes widened in surprise. He was taken aback by the unexpected praise from his boss, who was known for being extremely perfectionist.

"Thank you!"

Jungkook smiled, "You definitely deserve a compliment for all your hard work." 

"I promise you, I will put everything I have into this project!"

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