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CHAPTER THIRTY-TWO ╰━━━━━∙⋆⋅⋆∙━━━━━╯ -ˏˋ⋆A Spark of Truth Ignited The Desire For Revenge⋆ˊˎ-

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-ˏˋA Spark of Truth Ignited The Desire For Revengeˊˎ-



"Jungkook-ah, please?"

"Get out. I'm working."

"Can I go? Kookie, please?"

"Stay at home."

"But I want to—"

"I said you can't, my love. And that's enough."

"Aaaahhh Kookie why?~ Just this once, please!"

"Oh my God." Jungkook leaned back in his office chair, letting out a deep sigh as he set down his pen. He shook his head in frustration and cast a slightly annoyed glance at his whiny boyfriend.



They were in Jungkook's office room, surrounded by the grandeur of the mansion. Jungkook was working on his delayed job and trying to complete his overdue tasks before nightfall, whereas Jimin had been pleading with his boyfriend for permission to go out for nearly half an hour.

"Honey, please!" Jimin wrapped his arms over Jungkook's shoulders, whining adorably. "I promise not to misbehave!"

"Augh! Park Jimin." Jungkook groaned in annoyance, turning his head over to glare at his boyfriend with a frown. "I've already made it clear that my answer is no. So, please get that, alright?"

A sigh escaped from his mouth, almost draining his energy like a waterfall. He motioned for Jimin to move away from him so he could get back to work.

But his intention was buried deep behind his unwavering glare, eyeing his lover in disbelief. "Stop that."

"Jungkookie, please?" 

He let out a sharp hiss. "Oho, look at that. Don't give me that look." He warned while trying to make it sound strict, scowling at his boyfriend who already had puppy eyes and pouty lips, which got a very soft spot in his heart.

He knew he was going to lose the battle.

Jimin whined for the hundredth time, behaving adorablely to persuade his boyfriend to change his mind and let him off the hook.

"Jimin, you can't use that on me. I said—"

"Kookie, I really want to go."

"It's not your job to buy those things, baby. Just let the maids handle it. Get your eyes nailed on the clock right there and sit your ass down. It's already 8. Stay at home." 

"Aaaahh why~! This is so unfair! You can go anywhere you want but I can't."

"Who said you can't? We were just out yesterday."

"Exactly, with you."

"Yeah, with me. What's wrong with that?"

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