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CHAPTER EIGHT ╰━━━━━∙⋆⋅⋆∙━━━━━╯ -ˏˋ⋆The Unforgivable Truth Surfaced⋆ˊˎ-

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-ˏˋThe Unforgivable Truth Surfacedˊˎ-


Time had gone by, two months and a half to be exact, and life had returned to normal for Jimin, who was now back happy with his fiancé. He had at last found the strength to let go of the past and embrace the unpredictable path that lay ahead for him. Seonho went to work, and he did the same.

Jimin worked as a barista, diligently serving customers in the cozy business of his parent's cherished coffee shop.

But he didn't precisely go to work there every day. He just went there whenever he grew bored staying at home. So everything went smoothly, and nothing had happened anymore.

However, there was something that still unbeknownst to people around him. Even Jimin was happy with his life now but sadly, he was still going through self-harming, almost addicted to the blade slicing his skin.

He painted those painful scars on his body parts where the scars remained unseen, concealed from prying eyes.

Despite his attempts to brush it off, the weight of his actions lingered in his mind. Each time he caught his reflection in the mirror, a painful reminder of his lies, betrayal, and self-loathing washed over him.

In the depths of his hopelessness, he found his comfort in inflicting pain upon himself.

Sometimes, he would send a text to Jungkook and anxiously waited for a response that never seemed to show up. He couldn't help but feel a deep sense of unfairness and he also wanted to know what happened during their 'sex'.

Even though he knew that what Jungkook did to him right now was the right thing to do because he was engaged but he had the thought of, ''He can't just ignore me like this after what we both have done. At least, he should tell me what really happened on that night."

As the days passed, he found himself slowly accepting and blending well with the situation and wished to never cross paths with Jeon again.

"Jimin-ah," His mother called out.

"Yes, Mom. Hold on, I'm making coffee right now. Wait a moment if you need help." His voice boomed through the air, his eyes widened, and honed in on the delicate design he aimed to etch onto the surface of the coffee.

"That's enough. You've been working since the early hours of the morning. Stop stop, let me do it." His mother urged him to stop, but as a stubborn ass kid he was, of course he rejected her demands.

"Do you really want me to be a useless son? I don't have anything else to do, so let me handle everything since I'm already an expert at it."

"Aigo, what does the useless son have to do with this? I just don't want you working so hard, honey."

"You expect me to quit helping you and Dad when there are so many customers today, Mom? Oh, what to do? That's not going to happen."

"It's alright, Mom can handle this. I've been handling this business before you were even born."

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