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-ˏˋ⋆There's No Turning Back, Little Cat⋆ˊˎ-


The room in the love mansion was filled with passionate and light moans, with the interior packed with an aura of billionaire, elegant red curtains, and a captivating cherry scent that lingers in the air.

A lavish king-sized bed took center stage in the room, adorned with an abundance of silk sheets in shades of crimson and black. The surrounding was saturated with the gripping scent of enticing candles, their dancing flames casting a tempting allure.

Jimin's mind spun like a wheel, caught in between the two options, "go" and "stop. The lingering effects of the alcohol he had consumed earlier leaving him feeling drunk and excited. He couldn't think straight, his mind clouded with chaos in his head. His senses were set ablaze as the attractive man delved into the depths of his being.

The blonde was taken aback as he felt the soft lips pressing against his neck with intense desire and lust. He found himself completely hooked by Jungkook's dominating aura and his charm.

His body arched as the man strongly pressed him against the door. The man smirked, reveling in the power he held over the blonde who was trapped against him.

His hands explored Jimin's body, tracing a path from his shoulders down to his arms and then to his slender waist, where he firmly grasped him. His lips pressed against the tender area of Jimin's neck, right above a visible vein.

He grinned mischievously once again, his hands descending further to strongly grasp Jimin's ample rear, passionately pressing his lips against Jimin's inviting lips.

He kissed as if Jimin's lips were the air he needed to breathe. He bit Jimin's bottom lips so hard that they almost bled, and then sucked on them even more.

Jimin's mouth was gaped open and Jungkook instantly took advantage of the chance to slide his tongue into the sweet craven of the blonde boy. The taste was unforgivable; there was a bitter taste of alcohol, but the sweetness belonged solely to Jimin.

Only him. Oh, how the man smiled at the taste of the innocent lad that he had just caught against the door.

He can tell Jimin was experienced in kissing but not in sexual contact, but he enjoyed and loved it so much.

He wanted to spoil Jimin's perfect body from the moment he laid his eyes on this blonde-haired boy.

"You are so beautiful, so pretty and cute, so fucking sexy at the same time," Jungkook spoke as they broke the kiss, his voice filled with desire and his breath heavy. "We're going to have a great time, have the entire night all to ourselves."

He groaned at the adorable gaze that was fixed upon him so desperately. Jimin's state of mind left him defenseless, making him an easy target for Jungkook to do anything on him.

But earlier in the car, Jungkook had warned Jimin that there was no turning back once they stepped into his place. So if Jimin wants to stop, he will stop. But the boy chose not to heed it.

Now he was entirely under Jungkook's control.

The man savored the taste of the blonde's lips before he pressed their bodies together, causing a stirring sensation beneath their pants. Jimin's head was tilted back, with a sheen of sweat adorning his forehead.

His fragrance and body's scent wafting up to Jungkook's nose, extremely addictive and seductive.

Jungkook rubbed his bulge on Jimin's hardened and smiled, enjoying watching the boy's reaction. "Ah, F-Fuck. Don't do it...Don't tease."

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