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CHAPTER TWENTY THREE ╰━━━━━∙⋆⋅⋆∙━━━━━╯ -ˏˋ⋆Falling At The First Sight⋆ˊˎ-

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-ˏˋFalling At The First Sightˊˎ-


Taehyung had reached the designated location, which was Hoseok's residence. He turned off the car engine and quickly stepped out of the car, charismatically adjusting his suit and stylishly fixing his hair.

He observed his surroundings and came across a man engaged in a phone conversation outside the house.

"Jimin?" He softly murmured the name under his breath, his tone filled with uncertainty as he questioned whether he had it right or not.

He hesitated before taking a small step toward the man. But then he abruptly halted in his tracks as his once unwavering confidence had been shattered. He scratched the back of his head, seemingly confused with everything, before nonchalantly dismissing it and pulling out his strong dgaf attitude.

"Jimin-ssi!" He raised his voice a little, calling out the name in an attempt to catch the attention of that person.

The man quickly spun around, his eyebrows furrowing as he searched for the person Taehyung had mentioned.

"Jimin?" The man inquired, his voice tinged with confusion.

Taehyung flashed his signature smile at the guy but was met with a perplexed expression that quickly wiped the smile off his face.

"W-Why?" He asked.

"There's no Jimin right here. Where?" The guy questioned cutely, turning his body around again to look for his friend's figure, but he didn't see it anywhere.

He glanced back at Taehyung with his eyes narrowing and his lips slightly pouting.

"Ah... So you're not Jimin?"

"Um no?"

"I'm sorry. Is Jimin staying here?"

"Jimin? Yeah, but may I ask who you are?" The guy quickly stashed his phone in his pocket before approaching Taehyung.

Taehyung responded with a gracious smile and a respectful bow, quickly introducing himself to the gentleman. "I'm Kim Taehyung." He extended his hand, and the other person quickly grasped it, shaking hands.

"I'm Jung Hoseok. Jimin's friend."

"Ah," Taehyung acknowledged with a nod. "So, you're Jimin's friend."

"Yeah, what brings you here? Are you friends with Jimin?"

"No, actually I am here to pick him up."

Hoseok was surprised by the unexpected statement and glanced at Taehyung with a puzzled expression. "Where would you like to take him?"

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