2 - Turning Around For Me

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As promised, I started looking for a local job as a psychologist. I wasted six years in college to live like I lived now. I wasn't about to throw away my degree for something that didn't amount up to the job I had before. I refused to work in an office any longer. Besides, who would really need a forensic psychologist? There hadn't been a murder close to our city in years. There was one before I graduated, but they closed it before I could get my hands on it. That's how I ended up working in an office.

A month into my hunt, I realized I would eventually need help with rent. Robin was tough on everyone. Reconstruction was all the rage these days. Everyone had to make more money or move elsewhere. Rent had gone up and pricing of housing steadily joined the race. I couldn't ask my friends for help, because they would just try to persuade me to move into more appropriate housing for one person. I wasn't about to do that. I loved my apartment.

I was used to living with someone. Honestly, I didn't think I could manage all on my own. When I moved into my apartment, Terrance was with me. We had been together since the last two years of college. I had thought of marrying him and he seemed onboard with it. Now that I thought about it, it was weird how he agreed with everything. He was already cheating on me. He probably knew he'd leave me before I had the urge to ask him to propose.

Well, to each his own.

To keep myself from considering looking for a new apartment, I put up a roommate ad. I wasn't opposed to having a male roomie, but I thought it was best if I lived with a woman. There wasn't much we would disagree on. As long as she didn't pull any stupid stunts and stayed out all night, there was no reason for us to hate each other. Besides, if they didn't ask any questions, I could easily get away with upping their rent whenever I felt like they owed me for anything.

Once I finally decided to check my email, I found one from an organization I'd contacted over a year ago.

To: Sinclair.Irene@hotmail.com
Subject: Psychologist Application Review

Irene Sinclair,

We have received and looked over your application you emailed to us. There are a few inconsistencies, but I hope you have time to schedule a meeting and sort things out with us. Below are our office hours for this week. Contact any of those numbers and you will be connected to a representative ready to help you help us. We look forward to working with you.

Senior Forensic Psychologist 
Dr. M. Wellington PsyD
M. Wellington
Scientality Forensic Psychology, LLC

I sat back and tried to understand what I'd just read. Scientality wasn't just any company. They were known for their excellent success rate in solving cases with a team of psychologists. They didn't work for the government, but their equipment was so expensive, one would think they were a federal agency. With the decline of actual violent crimes, I doubted they needed a new member. I didn't have much hope in passing the interview, but they were the first ones to reach out to me. It was worth a shot.

"Hi, my name is Irene Sinclair. I'm calling about the email I received about my application. Dr. Wellington reached out to me."

"Ah, of course. Give me one...moment and I will transfer you to his line."

"Thank you."

While I waited, I began looking through the rest of my emails. There wasn't much from the other companies I'd applied to, but there was a ton of spam. My ad had been answered by a few people, but their applications were less than perfect. I wasn't keen on spending the next couple of months living with someone who lived for the drama.

"Dr. Wellington speaking. How may I help you?"

"Hi, I'm Irene Sinclair. You emailed me a few hours ago about my application, asking about some inconsistencies."

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