60 - Revenge

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It was harder retrieving the flash drive from the break room than it was from the plant in front of Dr. Wellington's office. I knew they'd see it on the cameras one day, but I also knew no one would have any reason to watch the footage if nothing major happened in the next forty-eight hours. Once Wellington and his secretary went out for lunch, I dug around in the dirt for a bit, surprised to find that it was soaking wet. Whatever was on it could probably be recovered some other day.

In the break room, Irene's colleagues were milling about, unaware of what was about to transpire. The air was thick with the smell of coffee and microwaved lunches, and the sounds of laughter and idle chatter filled the space. I stayed close to the coffee can filled with junk, hoping no one needed anything near me. Ashtyn caught my eye, smiling as if she knew I was up to something. I tried to return the smile, but my heart was pounding too much.

"Howdy, stranger," she purred. "I haven't seen you around here in a minute. Captain West hasn't sent anyone up here in days."

"I came back to do another search. Apparently Irene had something to tell someone here. I thought hanging out in the break room would reveal what it was," I lied.

"Huh. Well, I don't think anyone's going to tell you anything important. Irene was friendly with a lot of people, but none of us ever got close enough to her to say we were...truly friends." She shrugged. "Weird how you realize how close you weren't until they're gone."

Ashtyn looked around the break room, then back at me. "Listen, if you're really just here to do a search, I can help you. I mean, I know her computer password and everything." She leaned in closer, her voice dropping to a whisper. "If you come back before the building closes down, I can help you look."

I nodded, trying to look nonchalant. "Thanks, I appreciate it, but it wasn't anything about work. It's more personal."

"Alright, girlies!" I looked over to see one of the older psychologists holding the break room door open. "Break is over. We have a meeting in fifteen. If you ate anything loud, please freshen up before joining us."

I glanced at Ashtyn. "Maybe next time," I said, trying to sound grateful. "Thanks for the offer."

I watched as everyone in the break room began to file out, grabbing their belongings and chatting amongst themselves. "You know," Ashtyn said, "if you ever want to talk about what's going on, or just...I don't know, vent, I'm here."

I smiled gratefully at her. "Thanks, I appreciate it."

Yeah, I wasn't as broken up about Irene's disappearance as much as she thought I was.

As soon as she was gone and everyone had disappeared to the meeting, I retrieved the coffee can flash drive and left a short note for Ashtyn. That would throw her off my trail for the time being.

In the parking lot, I ran into Isaias. He looked even worse than the last time I'd seen him. He was shaking his head and muttering to himself as he paced back and forth next to his car.

"Hey," I said, trying to catch his eye. "You okay, man?"

He stopped and turned to face me. "What makes you think I'm not okay?" he asked.

I blinked at him, not really sure how to answer that. "Okay...let's just say you are. Anyway, I have to go. Duty calls. See you whenever we have another joint meeting."

He watched me walk away, then let out a sigh. I could feel his eyes on my back as I climbed into my car and started the engine. I glanced at him in the rearview mirror as I pulled out of my spot and headed toward the exit. He didn't look any better, but I couldn't help but wonder if he was just trying to be strong for himself.

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