22 - Won't You Say You Love Me ⚠️

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"Go home. All of you." Dr. Wellington knocked on my desk. "That means you, Dr. Sinclair. I get that you want to work, but sleep is better than working. Don't think about coming in early. We have other people for that."

"But, sir!" I protested.

"Love the enthusiasm, but sometimes I even need to rest. And I'm older than you. Now get out of here." Dr. Wellington waved his hand dismissively, and I couldn't help but chuckle. "Goodnight, everyone. I will see most of you in the morning. Oh, and Dr. Sinclair, make sure to attend the meeting in the afternoon."

I nodded, knowing that Dr. Wellington wouldn't let me get away with ignoring the meeting. I gathered my things, exchanged goodbyes with my colleagues, and headed out of the lab. As I walked through the empty hallways, I couldn't help but feel a sense of disappointment. I had been so close to making a breakthrough. But I knew that rest was important, and Dr. Wellington was right. I'd just have to put my findings away for now and try again another day.

"Axel," I cooed. "Where are you?"

"At home." I could hear the exhaustion in his voice. "Why? You need me to come over?"

"No, but do you need me to come over? Want some company?"

"I already have company."

"Better company. Real company."

I heard a soft giggle on the other end of the line. Another bitch? Maybe family? But Axel hated his family. Most of them were assholes. The nice ones never bothered to visit him anymore.

"You know I can never resist you. Come on over," he said.

"Good." I parked my car and got out. "I'll be up in five."

"You're already here?"

"Yeah. I just wanted to know if you were at home." I smiled to myself as I got out of the car. "See you in a minute, lover boy."

I took my time getting up to his apartment. The place was really nice. Almost too nice for someone with Axel's salary, but he had a way of making things work out. I never visited as often as he wanted me to, but every time I did, it was like walking through a slice of heaven. When I got to his floor, I could already smell his cologne and hear someone laughing. It made my heart race a little.

It took me a minute to remember his door passcode. As often as he reminded me never to forget it, I still found myself constantly doing so. Finally, I unlocked the door and stepped inside. The apartment was lit up with soft lighting, the scent of his cologne filling the air. He was sitting on the couch, a woman beside him. She had long, dark hair and was wearing a silk robe that barely concealed her body. As I closed the door behind me, they both looked at me.

"Hey, baby," I said, trying to keep my voice steady. "I hope I didn't interrupt anything."

The woman smiled at me, and my stomach did a strange flip. It wasn't the same feeling I got when I looked at Axel. There was something about her that made me want to hit her.

"No bebé. Estás justo a tiempo." Axel gently pushed the woman away from him and stood up, his body language stiff and uncomfortable. "Sácala de aquí."

Say no more.

"Get out, bitch," I said, moving away from the door. "He'll call you another time. It's my night."

"Don't say it like that."

"What? It's true. But...you could really have me any night you want." The woman still hadn't moved. "Girl, are you deaf? I know sign language, too. Get. Out. He has better company now."

Axel sighed and walked over to me. He pulled me into a tight embrace, his body warm against mine. I could feel him tense up as he held me, and I knew then that something was up with him. He's never been this...inactive. Or rather this bland. Usually, he was all over me. Never giving me enough time to breathe before he asked me to strip.

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