12 - Don't Play With Me

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I was in the middle of organizing my computer files, and typing up a case summary, when someone decided to sit on the edge of my desk. I was intent on ignoring them, because I had a lot to do. I knew it wasn't Brodie or Karson, because they were busy with the new transfers. Dr. Acosta wasn't exactly in the best of moods. When you're a few steps behind a killer with an agenda, it's hard to pretend you're fine. I'm sure whoever this was wasn't about to let us catch them any time soon. I finished what I was doing and looked up.

"You know...I thought I was going to have to kiss you," Ezra said.

"...What the fuck are you doing here?" I muttered.

"You said we were working the same case."


"You aren't still mad at me, are you?"

"...And if I am?" I leaned back in my chair. "What do you want? I'm sure there's some other psychologist who's more than willing to give you the time of day."

Ezra and I looked at Ashtyn as she walked past us. She winked at Ezra before noticing I was there. Her face turned sour. I honestly didn't care that she hated me, but it's been over a month since I got the chance to shadow Dr. Acosta. She needed to move on. If he didn't want to be near her, then there had to be a reason. I didn't think I'd ever seen him acknowledge her existence. Now that was a little sad. I felt for her, but she really needed to get over it.

Ezra looked at me and raised a brow. I nodded, confirming that she was the one I'd been beefing with for weeks. He looked like he wanted to laugh, but stopped himself when someone else walked up to us. It wasn't anyone I knew, so I assumed it was another detective. She was dressed down, but most of the women here did the same. She could easily be another psychologist I had yet to meet.

"Ezra, how many times do I have to tell you to stop wandering off?" she scolded. "Are you flirting with the psychologists now? That's why Captain West didn't want you here."

"Because I'm too good looking?" Ezra chuckled. "Well, I can't help it that my looks distract everyone."

"Not everyone..." I rolled my eyes.

"Who's she?" The woman peered at me. What, bitch?

"Nobody," I snapped.

"My girl," Ezra said at the same time. I looked up at him in confusion. He literally told me he didn't want to date me this morning. Why was he changing up now? Was he trying to stay on my good side? Fucking prick.

"So...it's complicated?" She smiled.

"No," we replied.

"Then what?"

"She's just...a little irritated with me," Ezra admitted. I was more than irritated with him. "She's the woman I've been telling you about. Literally the sexiest woman I know."

"Oh, really?" The woman raised a brow.

"...One of the sexiest women I know. I won't deny she's number one."

"Understandable. Detective Valery Jacobs."

"Dr. Irene Sinclair." I shook her hand. "Ezra's never mentioned you before."

"Ah, that's good. It means he hasn't spread any lies. He talks about you nonstop. I didn't think we'd be working a case together."

"Well, I don't exactly have a choice. Dr. Acosta begged me to work alongside him. I mean, I have a knack for finding people, but I didn't expect it to be a killer."

"You work with psychopaths, don't you?"

"I haven't met a true psychopath in months," I admitted. "Murderers and serial rapists here and there. I've spoken to repeat offenders. Mostly thieves and druggies."

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