54 - Savior

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"Sorry about that."

Jovani stared at me as I handed him an ice pack. He took it gingerly, wincing as he pressed it against his eye. "Thanks," he muttered. "I should've known better than to do anything you ask. All in a day's work."

I felt guilty for hurting him, but I couldn't help but feel a little bit proud that he'd taken my advice. "Listen, Jovani, about earlier...I shouldn't have pushed you like that. It wasn't planned. Kind of...lost myself."

He shifted his weight from one foot to the other, the ice pack still pressed against his eye. "Yeah...I know. It's just...I'm not used to being around someone who's so...in the zone all the time. The least I can say is that I'm glad you really didn't hurt me."

I smiled, feeling a little relieved. "It's just who I am. But I promise, I won't push you like that again. Not from the second floor anyway."

He chuckled, finally meeting my gaze. "Thanks. How's Irene?"

My smile faltered thinking of how idiotic Irene had been. I'd told her to stay put, but she never listens to me. When she fell, anger and fear coursed through my body, but I was more angry than afraid she'd really hurt herself. If Erik hadn't been around to stop me, then I probably would have stomped her head into the ground. I was that annoyed with the bitch.

"She's fine. That fall really knocked the breath out of her. I wish I could say it knocked some sense into her, but she was more worried about you than how injured she may have been. I can say...she does love you a lot. It's disappointing for me, but people like who they like."

I sighed, thinking back to what Janae told me once Irene had been put under. She'd apparently been worried about my reaction, and it made me realize how much I cared for Irene. All this time, I thought I'd been playing her, but she had been playing me. She knew what she wanted and I followed blindly, wondering how bad I was actually torturing her.

"Anyway, when Ramón gets back, they'll take her to his clinic and check her out. That should be any minute now. You can go with him to make sure he doesn't pull any tricks. Erik will send a few of his guys with you. Once everything is done, you come straight back. Val and I will have everyone clean up here and we'll go over what needs to be done before Irene wakes up." I sighed once more.

"You seem to have thought this all out." Jovani moved the pack away from his face. "It seems you didn't just plan for me to hit her."

"Yeah. I also didn't plan to hurt you like I did, but I didn't realize you had an issue. What if I hadn't come out when I did? Would you have killed her?"

"...I have a problem, yes, but I wouldn't have killed her. I have boundaries. I just get a little...overprotective when it comes to things I want."

"People you want."


I chuckled. "It's fine, buddy. Just go clean yourself up. If there's nothing wrong with Irene, then we have a lot to talk about. When you come back, I could be gone, because I have to question a few people."

"Isaias finally agreed to be interviewed?" Jovani shook his head. "If he were really involved, he would have gotten himself caught."

"No, he's waited long enough to keep everyone from pushing him to get interviewed," I said. "Any longer and Captain West would probably have to have him dragged in. Now that's something I'd pay to see."

"Of course you would."

I had nothing against Isaias, but there was a lot I'd pay to see be done to him. Including watching the life drain from his eyes. He had always been a roadblock to getting what I wanted, and if I had to drag him through the mud to get to where I wanted to be, then so be it. I had Irene. Axel was dead. What more could he do as the final boyfriend of a woman who would probably believe he's dead too?

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