11 - It Just Got Serious

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I got to work just in time for Nayeli to tell me that we had been called in for an emergency meeting. I didn't know what could've been more important than finding a hardworking killer. I decided not to complain and followed her, and a few others, into the crowded conference room. I spotted two uniformed officers and an unknown man in a suit.

Everyone tried to get settled as quickly as they could without being awkward. I found a spot at the back of the room, ensuring I could be seen if I stood in exactly the right place.

"Everyone is here, I hope," the suited man said. Nods went around the room. "Good. Some of you may know me, but a few of you do not. I'm Kiran Hendrix. CEO of Scientality. Founder of the first forensic psychologist crime team in Richfield. I know a few of you have been in this facility for years. You know that we work like the BAU, but our financial aid is not provided by the government. That means we won't waste resources on projects without a good cause.

I didn't come here to speak about that either. We are caught between a rock and a hard place right now. Our killer has been taking women who have been victims of domestic violence, forcing us to place blame on their husbands. Now...we can investigate alongside the Richfield PD, where any information gathered is legal. Or we can work alone, fully knowing our discoveries could possibly be deemed inadmissible in court."

What was so bad about working with the department? We'd have more people around to share information.

"Those of you who have worked here for years, know I don't usually accept the help of the city. It's not a personal thing, but I always like proving science can solve crime just as good as regular officers of the law."

Using the department to execute our own investigation seems like the way to go. We don't have to share any information. That's if we're unfair and want to stay ahead. In the end, it's always going to be the department that takes the credit.

"We're going to need Dr. Acosta's help either way," Dr. Wellington said. "I think it's best we try to solve this with the department. I mean, they did start to notice a pattern."

"After the fourth disappearance..."

"Even so, they have more information than we do."

The CEO turned to one of the officers. "How do you feel working alongside our female psychologists, Chief Vaughn? They're the best at what they do."

"If you say so, Kiran. I don't mind who I'm working with. As long as they report their findings to Captain West, I don't see a problem."

"Don't worry. Dr. Acosta and Dr. Wellington will be responsible for handing off the information." Mr. Hendrix turned back to us. "The department is expecting your full cooperation. Am I clear?"

"Yes, sir," we replied.

"Good. You can go back to work. Captain West will be sending over a few of his detectives to catch everyone up to speed. Exchange whatever information you may have obtained within the past two weeks."

The room cleared out in a matter of seconds. Mr. Hendrix led the captain and chief out. I stayed behind, hoping to put some pieces together on my own. There isn't much I know about the entire case, but I know more than anyone else who might claim they have a lead.

"What did you find?" Dr. Acosta asked.

"Nothing much," I responded before I realized I wasn't alone.

"I don't...plan on telling anyone anything. We work at our own pace."

"But wouldn't it be reasonable to share information? What if we find something we can't investigate legally?"

"...There's that, but we're trying to prove ourselves as psychologists."

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