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I couldn't believe what Ezra had done. My heart was racing as I thought about how Isaias must have felt being brought here. Did they blindfold him? Or maybe they let him see, because he was being led to his demise. I couldn't help but really feel that it was all my fault. If I hadn't been suggestive with my fears, he wouldn't have thought to search anything. Which led me to believe that if Ezra found the flash drives at work, Isaias managed to find the ones I'd hidden in my room.

But why hadn't he gone straight to the police?

I tried to push those thoughts out of my mind as I sat in the foyer, my body tense and my heart racing. The weight of what I'd witnessed was almost unbearable. His blood was nothing more than a glint from where I was. Jovani didn't look at all apologetic as he ordered someone else to clean the scene. I guess that meant he was thinking with his brain. I'd officially lost the man I thought I could trust. Maybe if I hadn't told Ezra where to find the drives, Isaias wouldn't have found his way here.

But then again, it was too late for that kind of thinking. I had to focus on getting out of this mess. I couldn't trust anyone here, not even Jovani. I had to find a way to get to the cops, to tell them what was really going on. But how? My only chance would be to leave with Klara, but I knew we'd be watched the entire time we were at the clinic. My only escape route would be through a bathroom window. If they had any.

"Get up."

Ezra was back.

I felt a chill run down my spine as he approached me. I didn't move, afraid that I would only fall back down.

"Get up, bitch," he growled, yanking me roughly to my feet. My legs were weak and my head was spinning, but I managed to remain standing. He grabbed my arm roughly, his grip bruising, and dragged me down the hallway. "Maybe I went a little overboard, princess. Maybe I shouldn't have killed your little boyfriend. But you should know better than to fuck with me."

We came to a stop outside of a room, the door slightly ajar. Inside, I could see a figure slumped in a chair, their head hanging limply. Ezra pulled me closer, his hot breath tickling my ear. "Klara here was planning to escape. You two have been pretty tight, huh? She was just about to tell me everything I wanted to know. Now, I guess you'll just have to do."

He shoved me roughly to the floor, causing me to hit my head. My vision blurred and stars danced in front of my eyes as I tried to keep myself awake. I couldn't pass out. Not before checking on Klara to make sure she was okay.

But I couldn't think straight. My head was pounding and I was still feeling lightheaded. I struggled to focus on anything but the throbbing pain. Ezra must have hated seeing me struggle, because I lost consciousness not long after being hit on the head. The last thing I heard was him laughing maniacally.

"This stupid bitch."

I awoke the next morning with a start, the realization that I had no idea where I was hitting me like a ton of bricks. I sat up slowly, taking in my surroundings. The sun was shining through two bay windows, casting a warm glow onto the bed I was lying in and the wooden floorboards beneath it. To my left, I could see a bookshelf overflowing with worn leather-bound books, and to my right, a large desk cluttered with papers and various sized folders.

Someone shifted beside me, and I looked over to see a man with dark hair sticking up at odd angles, his features softened by sleep. I looked down at myself and realized that I was in trouble. I told myself I wasn't going to sleep with him, but I did it anyway. Now what? I quickly scanned the room for my clothes, but they seemed to have vanished. Panic rising in my throat, I carefully inched away from him, making sure not to wake him.

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