53 - Aftermath

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"Erik! Valery!"

I so wanted to find out what was happening, but the doctor shot me a look. I knew I shouldn't move so soon, but if it was Jovani getting hurt, I was going to kill Ezra myself. I knew there had to be a reason behind Jovani attacking me like that. If this entire operation is as evil as Ezra is trying to pretend it's not, then there was a huge possibility he ordered Jovani to hit me just so he could be the hero. I knew that if it turned out to be true, I'd do more than just kill him.

Another scream tore through the halls. This time, it was Valery. My heart skipped a beat, but I forced myself to remain still. If I moved now, it could only make things worse for everyone. I closed my eyes and tried to focus on my breathing, willing myself not to lose control.

"Ezra! Stop it!" Valery again. "You fucking idiot!"

My head snapped up. The pain was unbearable, but I ignored it. I had to get to them. Ignoring her protests, I swung my legs over the side of the bed and tried to stand. My legs buckled underneath me, and I had to grab onto the bed for support.

"Don't get involved!" she begged. "You'll regret it."

As I struggled to my feet, I heard another scream, this time coming from further down the hall. It was Valery's voice, high and panicked. My heart raced, and my blood boiled. I couldn't just stand here any longer. I had to help them.

Gritting my teeth against the pain, I began to hobble down the hall, using the walls for support. As I walked up to the broken banister, I saw them. Ezra was standing over Jovani's unconscious body, his hands covered in blood. Valery was crouched on the floor, her hands trembling as she tried to staunch the flow of blood from a gash somewhere on Jovani.

Ezra looked up and his eyes widened as he saw me, and for a moment, I thought he might send someone to get me. But then he visibly steeled himself and took a deep breath.

"You shouldn't be here," he said, his voice hoarse. "This was between me and him."

I took a small step closer, ignoring the pain in my side.

"What the hell did you do?" I demanded, looking from Ezra to Valery, spotting Erik in my peripheral. "I didn't ask you to hurt him!"

Ezra glanced at Valery, who lowered her gaze. "It doesn't matter," he said, his voice hard. "He deserved it."

I felt a cold chill run down my spine. "Ezra, what did you do?" I repeated, my voice shaking with fear and anger. "You need to get him to a hospital."

Ezra took a step forward, his eyes hard. "I'm not letting anyone hurt you again," he said, his voice cold. "And that's final."

Valery looked up at him, her face twisted in fear and anguish. "Ezra, please," she begged. "He's not worth it. Let me get him to the hospital."

I wanted to join them downstairs, but I was afraid Ezra would hurt me next. Or even have sex with me to calm down. I didn't want either of those to happen. But I also didn't want him to stay close to Jovani. He was close enough to do more damage, if he really wanted to.

"Erik!" Valery called out. "He isn't going to make it to the hospital. How long do you think it'll be before our doctor gets here?"

"He's across town. Janae's upstairs," Erik said, his voice flat. "I'll take care of it." I glanced at him, feeling a flash of relief that someone would take charge of the situation. He nodded at me, his expression unreadable. "Go back to your room, Irene. Now."

I hesitated for a moment, still unsure about leaving them alone with Jovani. But then I remembered the pain in my side and felt myself leaning too far forward. I tried to take a step back, but I was already moving. I grabbed at the broken banister, hoping to use it to steady myself, but my hand slipped and I fell from the second floor.

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