58 - Moll

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I stared at the dresses presented before me, wondering what the occasion was tonight. Ezra wasn't one to celebrate just because he wanted to. There had to be a reason he was risking taking me out in public while people were still searching for me. I had a feeling it wasn't going to be a nice restaurant. Not unless he knew some people. Of course, I knew then there was no way I could ever escape.

I picked up a dress at random, running my fingers over the soft fabric, feeling the silk slide between my fingers. The colors were muted, but the style was elegant, simple yet elegant. I glanced up at the mirror, holding it to my body, wondering how I would look in it. Would it be too revealing? Or would it be too modest for his taste? I wasn't sure what he expected from me.

I picked up another dress, this one with a more daring neckline, and held it up against me. It was a deep red, almost like blood, and made my skin tingle when I touched it. The fabric was silk as well, but it had a different feel to it; more sensual, more provocative. I looked at myself in the mirror, biting my lip as I imagined Ezra's reaction. He liked danger, didn't he? Perhaps this dress was the perfect choice.

With a sigh, I turned around, deciding on the red dress. I slipped it on, adjusting the straps over my shoulders. The fabric hugged my body, surprisingly clinging to me without making it difficult to move. The cut of the dress accentuated my curves, making me feel more confident than I had in a long time. I smoothed down the skirt, feeling a sense of anticipation building in my stomach as I wondered where Ezra was taking me.

I sat down on the bed, reaching for a pair of platform heels that would complete the ensemble. Just as I touched them, Ezra came into my room. His eyes widened, taking in my appearance, and for a moment, I thought I saw a flicker of surprise in his eyes. He quickly regained his composure, however, and walked over to me, offering to help me with my shoes.

"You look stunning," he breathed. "Absolutely breathtaking." His fingers were gentle as they slid up my calves, brushing against my skin. When he finished fastening the straps, he helped me stand, pulling me close. "I knew you'd make the right choice." His lips grazed against my ear, sending shivers down my spine. "Now, shall we?"

He led me out of the bedroom, through the dimly lit hallway and to the front door. Valery was waiting for us in an equally elegant dress, a smile playing at the corners of her lips. I was going to compliment her when Jovani and a few other guards joined us. Oh, so this wasn't just a nice dinner? I figured as much.

The ride to wherever we were going was silent, each of us lost in our own thoughts. I couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation mixed with unease. Ezra's fingers drummed against the leather seat as he stared out the window, his jaw ticking every now and then. He looked nervous. Was it because he was planning something? Or was it because he was afraid of what would happen?

When we finally arrived, the car pulled up to another mansion that towered over the other houses in the area. The lights were dim, casting an eerie glow over the statues that lined the driveway. As we stepped out of the car, Jovani and the other guards flanked us, their hands never straying far from their weapons.

Ezra took my hand, leading me up the steps to the massive oak doors. They swung open at his touch, revealing a grand foyer with two staircases winding up to the second floor. The air was heavy with the scent of roses and candle wax, and the sound of laughter and clinking glasses drifted in from somewhere near the back of the house.

"Welcome, Mr. Moran," a deep voice boomed from the top of the staircase. A tall man in a tuxedo stood at the balustrade, his eyes glinting in the candlelight. "I trust the ride here was uneventful?"

Ezra nodded, not taking his eyes off the man. "Yes, Mr. Kane. Thank you for inviting me."

"Oh, not at all," the man replied with a smile. "We're all very much looking forward to this evening." He came down the stairs, joining us in the foyer. "You must be the lovely Valery Jacobs."

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