5 - Congratulations

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I had just finished blocking off some rooms when I heard the buzzer. I quickly made my way over to the speaker. If they'd been at my door, then I would have been able to see who they actually were.

"Third floor," I said, unlocking the lobby door.

"Thank you."

I froze. The guy's voice sounded very familiar. I couldn't be too sure about where I'd heard him before, but I knew I wasn't delusional. It's not everyday you hear such a nice voice coming from a stranger. Even though it hadn't been long since Terrance and I had broken up, I still felt a little flutter in my stomach. Maybe this was really my moment to move on.

I heard a knock on my door not too long after that. I looked at the camera and saw that it was more than just a guy. He had three girls and another guy accompanying him. Each girl was carrying a bottle of alcohol. Okay, so they knew how to party. They were definitely Parker's friends. Honestly, the guys didn't look like they wanted to be here.

"Drinks go in the kitchen," I said. "The coolers."

"Awesome!" one of the girls exclaimed. "Randy, come help us."

The taller guy nodded at me, following the girls into my apartment. It was just me and the guy who looked like he would fall asleep at any given moment.

"Parker invited you?" I asked.

"She practically begged us to come," he said.

"Figured. Looks like none of you want to be here."

"Well, I've been drinking heavily for the past couple of nights. Kind of need a...break. When she parties, she parties hard. I try to stop her, but it never works."

"I'm sure she'll be fine tonight."

"Don't be sure about that. She'll probably end up taking off her top before everyone else gets here."

"Really? That bad?"

The guy chuckled. "Yeah, but we're used to it. Where is she anyway? I didn't see her car outside."

"Uh, she went with my friends to pick up more drinks."

"Nonalcoholic, I hope."

"Of course!" I smiled.

That was a complete lie.

"Ezra," he said.

"Irene. Are you Parker's friend or--"

"Randy's cousin. Just visiting."

"For the summer," Randy butted in, throwing an arm around Ezra's shoulders. "If you wanna spend some time with him, then he's at your disposal for two months."


"What? Lighten up. Sometimes you can be so dense. I'm Randy."

"Irene." I shook his hand.

"You're Irene? I wasn't expecting you to be this smokin' hot."

What the fuck...

"Randy..." Ezra glared at his cousin.

"What? Take her before I do. You don't see a good thing even when it's staring you in the face. Trust me, you both will be good for each other."

"Dude, stop it."

"I will, once you get her number."

"I'm not looking--" I started.

"Just in case." Randy grinned. "You never know. Better safe than sorry."


"Randy, leave her the fuck alone." One of the girls rejoined us at the door. "Sorry about that idiot." She shoved Randy aside to stand next to Ezra, grabbing his arm. I couldn't tell if she was trying to prove something to me or not. I wasn't looking for a casual hookup with any of Parker's friends. "I'm Shanice. Randy's sister."

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