33 - I Don't Know

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"Kinda has a crush on you? Or he does? Can you even tell the difference?" I shushed her. "What? I bet Axel already knows and who else is going to be surprised? Which boss?"

"Dr. Acosta..." I sighed, imagining hearing his accent every day and waking up to his face. "That's just...no. Not happening. I'd rather have a talking cat as a pet." I shuddered.

"Liar. You took too long to decide on that. How could you not tell me?"

"Really? With everything that's been happening lately, I don't think I really want to believe it's true."

"What do you mean?"

"Come on, Parker!" I exclaimed. "Everyone thinks I'm crazy and I apparently had a very vivid hallucination that he told me he liked me. When I told him about it, he denied it ever happened, then confirmed that it was true that he liked me. How was I supposed to believe I wasn't hallucinating then?"

"Well, he could've just been playing hard to get or something. You never know. Maybe he's just trying to make it more interesting." Parker grinned.

"More interesting? How? It's not funny to play with a person's head like that. Now...I don't even think I can go back to work. I can't work on the case. What has my life come to?"

"Lame. Pass me a knife."

I handed Parker one of the knives from the block. We lapsed into silence as she seemed to flitter around the kitchen. I finished chopping the vegetables, wishing that I could just forget about the whole thing. Maybe I could just focus on my work and try to block out Dr. Acosta from my mind.

Yeah, that was never going to happen.

I sighed and began to wash the knives, feeling a little guilty about my reaction. I knew I shouldn't have taken it so personally. It wasn't like he had done anything to me personally. It was...hard to understand. I mean, he was my boss, and he was older, and he could be in a relationship. What had I been expecting?

"And what if I tell him I think he's attractive?" I asked. "What happens then? What about my relationship with Axel?"

"Oh, come on. Like you're really going to do that," Parker scoffed. "You're just trying to find an excuse not to talk to him, aren't you? I mean, it's not like it's a big deal. It's not like you're going to lose your job or anything."

"But it's still complicated," I insisted. "I don't know if I want to get mixed up in something like this when I'm already in a relationship. It could just make things messy."

"A relationship that's not really a relationship." She rolled her eyes. "I can tell Axel isn't really into...whatever you guys have going on. You aren't either. You're both still fucking with no intention to actually marry each other."


"It's pretty obvious. Even Jamie and Kaiya noticed."

"Are they even my friends anymore? They should have said something! I'm a good actress."

"Ha! Bitch, no the fuck you ain't." Parker barked out a laugh as she opened the oven. "They are your friends, but you're so busy these days. I don't make it a habit to hang out with them. It just happens. They always guilt trip me into sticking around."

Yeah, they were like that. When I first met them, it was hard to ignore their pleas to hang out. I felt as if.I never got any time away from them. But now it's like they could care less about being around me. Our weekly country club hang outs were practically nonexistent. I missed them.

"Ugh, I know I can't put it off forever," I muttered. "But what if I finally give him a chance and something goes wrong?"

"Girl, it's already wrong that he likes you." Parker shrugged. "You'll know when the time's right. I'm sure you know exactly how you feel about him."

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