13 - Piping Hot

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The fact of the matter was that I didn't have a group session during lunch. I just didn't want to spend the entirety of my break with Dr. Acosta. He was a good guy, but the only thing he talked about was work. I was into that, but sometimes I needed a break from science and wondering if he was trying to study me.

Instead, Ezra found me and we hightailed it to one of my favorite restaurants. I had long forgotten about being wary that I'd bump into Bria or Terrance. Enjoying the food was all that mattered. So what if they tainted the place with their lies and crappy affection? I could make it all better with Ezra.

"What the fuck is this place? Scandinavian?" He side-eyed me.

"...What the fuck?" I glared at him.


"We don't have exotic restaurants like that. It's just ramen."

"If I wanted noodles, I would have gone to the store and gotten some."

"Ezra!" I shook my head. "No one eats ramen at home anymore."

"Parker does."

"Parker never cooks. That's why she eats ramen. Anyway, it's really good, so stop complaining and be happy."

"Like you were with Mr. Perfect at the office?"


"Your boss."

"Dr. Acosta? Yeah, no. He's hot, but he isn't my type. Super nice, but I can't see myself with him."


"Ezzo, you don't have to be jealous. I'm only sleeping with you. And Axel. He's never been on my mind like you have been recently." I smiled. "Speaking of...are we dating or not? Was it a ploy to get Valery to stop asking questions? Or you're just that possessive?"

"Do you want me to be that possessive?" He licked his lower lip.

"Only if I'm your girlfriend."

"Then...I will back off. I wasn't kidding about what I said this morning."

"Come on!" I was getting frustrated. "I have to stop trying, huh? I'm never gonna get what I want. By the time you figure out you actually like me, you'll probably be back home."

"Who says the case isn't going to be open for long?"

"At the rate we're all going, there's a chance it'll be open for too long."

"Which means you get to spend more time with me."

"It's unwanted time if you only gonna keep messing with me like this."

"Irene, don't do that. The last thing you need is me hovering over your shoulder every second of us working together, because I don't want you around other handsome guys."

"You think Dr. Acosta is handsome?"

"I told you I'm not narcissistic. Now what exactly did you and lover boy talk about? And don't tell me it was nothing. You were all smiles, Ms. He's Not My Type."

"He isn't."

"Sure. Now spill."

I sighed and crossed my arms. Stupid men and their demands. I could always make something up. It wasn't like he was going to ask Dr. Acosta. Unless he was. I felt like that was something he would do.

"Well, I think our killer is a guy," I said. "I know women can be killers too, but hear me out. As a woman myself, I'd have to be truly deranged and patient enough to want to watch multiple women from broken homes, make plans to kidnap them, then end up killing their husbands. I'd want to help them get away from their husbands, but not like that. Faking their deaths would be something I'd choose to do.

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