59 - Help

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I searched for Mr. Kane in the crowd, hoping to start my conquest with him. He seemed to be the one in charge tonight. If there was any hope of staying off the front line, he had to be the key.

No one was sitting down to eat. Most of the women were in a man's lap, feeding him a face full of breasts instead of food. The men seemed to be enjoying themselves, their hands roaming over the women's bodies, cupping their breasts and groping their asses. I fought the urge to roll my eyes, knowing Ezra would only test my patience like that to make me grovel at his feet.

I made my way through the crowd, my gaze locked on Mr. Kane. He was easy to spot, sitting at the head of the table in a chair that was larger than the others. A beautiful woman straddled his lap, her long legs wrapped around him as she leaned in close, whispering something in his ear that made him chuckle. I swallowed, my heart racing as I forced myself to walk towards them.

As I approached, I tried to think of something clever to say, something that would catch his attention and make me stand out from the other women. But before I could gather my thoughts, he looked up and our eyes met. There was a spark in his gaze that made my heart skip a beat. Maybe there was hope for me after all.

"Ah, Ezra's woman," he said, his voice smooth as silk. "I was beginning to wonder if you'd decided to join the festivities tonight." He gently pushed the woman away from him, forcing her to leave his lap. I didn't want to go this far and make Ezra mad, but I had no choice. I had to play along.

"I'm sorry, sir," I said, my voice shaking slightly. "I didn't mean to be rude. It's just...I wanted to speak with you."

He raised an eyebrow, clearly amused by my attempt to explain myself. "And what is it that you want to say?"

I took a deep breath, trying to find the right words. "Everyone here seems to have an agenda. I only want to escape. I have a life outside of this. I know it's risky coming to you, but who else has power over Ezra like you do?"

Mr. Kane studied me for a moment, his expression unreadable. "You're not the first to feel trapped in this world, my dear. And you're right, I do have a certain influence over your...friend. But I must warn you, escape isn't easy. Especially not for someone like you."

He leaned in closer, lowering his voice. "You see, you're not just another pretty face here. You're the key to Ezra's current conquest. He's been eyeing up a powerful man, someone who could help him climb even higher. If you were to disappear, it would only make him look weak in comparison. And believe me, no one here wants to cross Ezra. Even I know my limits."

I swallowed, feeling a chill run down my spine. I knew what he was saying made sense. If I wanted to survive, I had to find a way to be useful to Ezra. But the thought of being someone's trophy, of being used as a pawn in his game, made me sick to my stomach.

"So what do I do?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper. "How can I stay alive and still have a chance to escape?"

Mr. Kane considered my question for a moment before leaning back in his chair. "That's up to how you act tonight. There's only one man here whom Ezra truly respects. If you can find him...then you're well on your way to getting what you want."

He gestured towards the crowd, his expression darkening. "But be warned, he's not an easy man to impress. He values loyalty above all else. You'll need to prove yourself if you want him to help you."

I nodded, taking in his words. "And who might this man be?" I asked, my curiosity getting the better of me.

Mr. Kane grinned, a sly expression crossing his face. "You'll know him when you see him. He doesn't belong here, not really. But he's powerful enough to make even Ezra dance to his tune. If you can get his attention...well, the rest will fall into place."

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