24 - Mind Your Business

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I stared at my phone as Axel kissed up and down my neck, his breath warm against my skin. I held the back of his head, hoping he wouldn't ask me why I wasn't paying attention to him. It wasn't that I didn't want to, but something else was on my mind. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't show him that I really wanted him to fuck me.

"¿Mami, qué estás mirando?" he asked, his voice soft and low, his lips brushing against my earlobe. I swallowed hard, trying to gather my thoughts. "¿Es más importante que yo?"

I knew he was trying to be playful, but it only made it harder for me to focus on anything else. "No, no es eso," I managed to mumble. "Solo...pensando en algo."

Axel seemed to sense my unease, and he pulled away slightly, his gaze searching mine. "¿Quieres hablarlo?" he asked gently. His fingers trailed down my stomach, sending shivers through my body. I wanted to say yes, that he could help, but I couldn't lie. Not about this.

"Stop asking questions." I threw my phone away from me and pulled him on top of me roughly. He yelped in surprise, but quickly recovered, wrapping his arms around me and grinning. "Just...fuck me."

"Not tonight, love birds." Parker sat down above my head. "You promised to watch this movie with me, so we're watching it."

"Parker..." I whined.

"You didn't come home last night. It's now or never, bitch."

I looked up at Axel, silently apologizing for Parker's intrusion. Then again, I'd been with Axel last night. But she didn't have to know that.

"Parker, ¿por qué tienes que ser así?" Axel groaned.

"What'd he say? I hope it was a compliment." Parker grinned.

"No, he just wants to fuck me." I sighed, allowing Axel to sit back on the couch. I sat up. "What are we watching again?"

"You're such a romantic, sweetie." Parker leaned forward, grabbing the remote. "It's this new movie about a couple who falls in love in the most random way possible."

"Isn't that every romance movie these days?"


"And you're sure I agreed to this?"

"Sí." Parker chuckled. "You sure did."

I didn't know what that meant, but I was a little scared. I wasn't one to watch romance movies, but if I had to, I wanted something sappy and predictable. Something where you knew how it was going to end from the beginning. But I couldn't tell Parker that, or she'd never let me live it down. So I just nodded and leaned back against Axel, who wrapped an arm around me.

Halfway through the movie, I received a series of text messages back to back, and I could feel Axel's eyes on me. I knew he was wondering what was going on, but even I didn't know what was going on. After the sound began to be too much, I finally decided to see what it was. The one thing I didn't want to see was messages from Ezra.

And it wasn't.

The texts were from Dr. Acosta, Nayeli, and news updates about a fire. I immediately checked them, seeing that it wasn't just a random fire. The house and address looked too much like the one Nayeli and I had gone to the day before. I thought I was just imagining it, but when I checked Nayeli's texts, the hard truth settled in.

"Guys, I have to go," I said, getting up. "Work emergency."

"This late at night?" Parker asked.

"...Sure." I leaned down to kiss Axel, who pulled me onto his lap. "Babe, I'm so sorry. I'll make it up to you."

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