1 - I Hate Romantic Tropes

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I never thought I'd see the day when I'd walk in on my fiancé fucking my boss. You'd think they'd have some level of respect to hole up in a motel somewhere, but no, they had to do it in my bed

I had just gotten home from a long shift at the office, and when I opened my door, there they were: my fiancé, Terrance, and my boss, Bria, both naked from the waist down, their hips grinding together as if they were born to be together.

I couldn't believe it. I stood there in shock, feeling a mixture of anger, betrayal, and a twinge of arousal that I was instantly ashamed of. Bria saw me first, her eyes wide with surprise and maybe a hint of guilt. But then she quickly regained her composure and smiled.

"Oh, hello, Irene," she purred. "We weren't expecting you home so soon."

Terrance turned to face me, his expression a mix of embarrassment and guilt. "Irene, I'm so sorry," he said. "I didn't think she'd be here when I got here."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I couldn't believe they thought I was that stupid. Bria and I were nothing more than boss and employee. Why did she ever feel the need to come to my apartment without asking me first?

"You two are pathetic," I spat. "Living room. Now."

They exchanged glances, Bria's eyes narrowing slightly. "Why?"

I took a deep breath, trying to maintain my composure. "Because I'm not done with you yet," I said, my voice cold. "But first, get the fuck out of my bed."

They both scrambled off the mattress, quickly dressing themselves. Bria gave me a calculating smile, her eyes daring me to challenge her. I left the room, closing the door behind me, feeling a strange mix of emotions churning inside me. Why did it have to be her? And here? Were they that confident I was never going to find out?

As I walked through the hallway, I heard muffled moans coming from my bedroom. It took everything in me not to burst into the room and confront them again. Instead, I forced myself to sit down on the couch, my heart racing. What was I supposed to do now? I knew I couldn't stay in this apartment anymore. The betrayal was too much, the tension too high.

When they finally decided to join me, Terrance tried explaining to me what had happened. I don't think I actually heard him. Everything he said went in one ear and out the other. I was livid. How could someone like him do this to someone like me? I was everything he ever wanted and he...wasn't much, but it was nice to have someone around. Now my new apartment was tainted with their regrets and mistakes.

"Look, come on! It was one time. You weren't home and--" Terrance started.

"But my boss?" I rolled my eyes.  "I wouldn't have been as mad to see you with my sister!"

"Baby, listen to me. It'll never happen again. I swear."

"You're right."


"It won't happen again, because we're done. Pack your shit and get out. My apartment, my rules. Was that never clear enough for you? I was kind enough to let you stay here with me, but now I wish I'd never let you in. Get out, and don't come back."


"Don't! I'm sick of your excuses, Terrance. I've had it up to here with all your bitching. Now I know why you avoided hanging out at our favorite places and just being with me. You were taking her. And you--" I turned to Bria. "I quit. I was going to let you fire me to collect my severance, but now I see it has pity money. I'll be by to clean out my office in the morning."

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