20 - Playing Detective

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I scoffed and crossed my arms. "He's mad, because he's not getting his way. He's always been like that. It's no big deal."

"I don't know. He's normally so easygoing. You did more than tell the truth, girl."

"He wanted me to wait a month for him to decide if he wanted me or not. I told him he gets to think about it for a month, but I wasn't waiting for him."

"He does seem like the type of guy who wants to assert his dominance over as many women as he can until one of them manages to tie him down."

"And that woman isn't me. He's had too many chances to tie me down and failed."

"I'm always on your side. Us independent women have to stick together."

"Even if I turn out to be wrong and overreacting?"

Valery laughed and leaned in close. "Even more so."

Captain West opened the break room door, his expression unreadable. "Detective Jacobs, you're not flirting with the scientists, are you?" He asked. "Chief Vaughn didn't recommend you, because you're a people person."

"Sir, I would never." Valery chuckled. "Are you headed to the meeting, sir?"

"Yes." He closed the door and turned to Ezra. "Detective Moran! It's a different woman every day, huh?"

"Of course not, sir." He flashed his boss a sickly sweet smile, but seemed to be staring right at me. I looked away, grabbing a mug.

"Good. Both of you need to come with me. The team is already waiting."

Valery let go of my shoulder. "Are you coming?" She looked back at me.

"No." I smiled at her. "Everything is on a need-to-know basis. Dr. Acosta will tell me anything important."

"Oh. Well, I'll see you later then."

I watched her leave. Ezra didn't spare me a glance as he walked past the break room. I pretended to get some coffee, ignoring the look Ashtyn was giving me. I wasn't in the mood to play with her today. I could tell she wanted to make me jealous, and I wasn't going to give her the satisfaction.

"Oooh, what did you do?" Professor MacMilan entered the break room. "Detective Moran and Ashtyn? Who did you piss off?"

I rolled my eyes. "I didn't do nothing. Detective Moran is just a bitch."

"Well, someone should keep an eye on you. You seem to be rubbing people the wrong way these days." She placed a hand on her hip.

"I'm not rubbing anyone the wrong way. I just speak the truth and some people can't take it."

"Did I see wrong?" Dr. Kaufmann walked into the break room holding an empty coffee cup. "Dr. Sinclair, what did you do?"

"Why does everyone think I did something?" I hissed, throwing a look at Ashtyn. She was looking at her computer. "I didn't do anything. He's being bitch."

"Oh, so you guys actually went out on a date or something?"

"He's my roommate's boyfriend's cousin."

"Ah, isn't that a blessing? That sexy hunk of meat can see you any time he wants, but...he's mad at you."

"Did you guys sleep together?" Professor MacMilan asked. "Or is he mad you didn't want to sleep with him?"

"Why would I tell you if we slept together?" I laughed, even though it was a bit forced. "That has nothing to do with why he's mad. It's a little more personal than that."

"Ah, I see."

"Hey, ladies!" Dr. Marshall walked in, closing the door gently behind her. "What's everyone doing in here?"

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