30 - Sick

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After Ezra left, Axel came back into my room with something to eat. I was grateful, finally feeling as if I could eat an entire pan of lasagna. He sat down beside me, watching as I ate. There was a silence between us, but it didn't feel awkward. It felt comfortable, almost as if he wasn't burning to ask me about what Ezra had said to me earlier.

I finished eating and leaned back against the pillows, still feeling slightly dazed. "Thank you for that," I said, looking over at him. "I appreciate it."

He smiled. "No problem. I'm glad you're feeling better." He paused for a moment, then asked, "So...did you tell him off?"

I laughed softly. "Wouldn't you like to know. I did, but it felt like he was telling me off. Something feels weird, but...I think everything's okay."

He nodded slowly, his eyes studying my face. "Well, if you ever want to talk about it..."

"He wasn't talking about you. He was talking about Dr. Acosta."

"What? Why?"

"I don't know. I think the guy's hot and all, but...he's my boss. And I doubt he actually likes me. I saw him flirting with someone else."


No, but he didn't have to know that. I shrugged, trying to appear nonchalant. "I don't know. Maybe I'm just overthinking it. Anyway, thanks again for the food."

Axel smiled at me, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "Anytime. I'm your dark chocolate knight in shining armor. Anything you need, I'm here for you." He paused, then added with a wink, "Even if that means dealing with your new man."

I laughed. "Shut up. He's not my boyfriend."

"Ah, but one would think he is. I still love you, though. If you really do love me, then I will marry you. Prometo."

I laughed again, feeling my cheeks flush. "Goodness, you don't have to be this nice to me. We've been friends for years. By the way, did the girls come visit while I was asleep?"

He smiled. "How long do you think you were out, hermosa?"

I shrugged. "A few hours? Why? Was it longer?"

"Days. When the police found you, you were passed out on the side of the road, with a an unreleased news--"

"What? Days!" I tried to sit up, feeling a rush of panic. "That's impossible. I would've remembered that."

"You were in a coma, hermosa. The doctor said it was from the accident and the fever. It's been about a week now. You're lucky to be alive."

I stared at him, feeling dazed. A week? How could I not remember anything? "An accident? I don't remember an--"

"Well, I'm sure the doctors can explain everything. You're fine now, so don't worry about a thing, amor."

I couldn't believe it. A week. A week of my life was gone, and I had no memory of it. The shock was almost paralyzing, but Axel's presence beside me, his warm hand squeezing mine gently, grounded me. He was right, I was lucky to be alive. But this wasn't something I was willing to just believe. What had happened between the time I left the roof and the time I woke up here?

I didn't get the chance to ask him more, though. The door opened, and a tall, dark-haired man walked in. He had a kind face and a reassuring smile. "Ah, Miss Sinclair. I'm Dr. Pearce. How are you feeling today?"

I took a deep breath, trying to find the words. "I don't remember anything," I finally managed to say. "What happened to me?"

Dr. Pearce's expression turned sympathetic. "That's what we would love to know, but according to your charts...we probably won't know any time soon."

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