More kids!

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Nine months later 

(Y/N) and I are in the nursery doing the finishing touches when I hear a small pop. At (Y/N)'s feet is a small puddle of water. "Babe, your water just broke." "Oh, my gods. Nico get ready. When the contractions start I'll tell you." I run out of the room and change. A few minutes later I go back to the nursery only to find (Y/N) yelping in pain. "Baby, you're going into labor. Should we go to the clinic? She nods. "Yes please." I get Bianca and change her into pants and a T-shirt. My dad and Persephone love her and practically begged to babysit her. I shadow travel to the underworld and am greeted by my stepmom. "Is (Y/N) going into labor." I nod. "Well, Bianca is in good hands here." "Thanks Persephone. Please don't let her have too much sugar though. I know she loves your cookies but she won't be able to sleep tonight." "Yes, yes of course." "Grammy." "Hello, Bianca dear. Do you want cookies?" Bianca nods.  Hades walks into the room at that moment. "Hello, son." "Hi, dad." "Where's my beautiful granddaughter." "Right here Grandpa." She cries from Persephone's arms. "Hello, Bianca." He replies. "Nico, your wife needs you. Get going." "Okay. Bye Bianca, I'll see you soon. Be good for grandma and grandpa." "Okay. Bye, Daddy." I shadow travel back to our house. "Nico, what took you so long? Can we please get going?" "Kay love." We drive to the clinic and when we get there, a midwife ushers us to the maternity ward. "Kay sweetie. I'm Brittney and I'll be taking care of you."  (Y/N) nods. Another midwife ushers me out of the room and has me go to the waiting area. I remember that the Jacksons and the Graces told me to call them when (Y/N) goes into labor, so I pull out my phone and text Annabeth. She almost immediately replies, "Sure we'll meet you there soon." I then call Jason who tells me the same thing. Soon they all arrive. "Calm down Nico. (Y/N)'s done this before." "Yeah, but I was with her the whole time." "This time she has four trained midwives and she's doing a water birth and water relaxes her." "Fine." I stop pacing. An hour later,  Brittney says, "Mr. di Angelo, your wife is fine. You can all come see her." She leads us to (Y/N)'s room. (Y/N) is lying on the bed holding a baby in her arms. "Hey guys." She says wearily. "Nico, meet your baby boy Luke." She passes him into my arms. "Aww. He's adorable." He has the cutest button nose and a flushed pink face. After all, being born is hard work. "He has your eyes." (Y/N) remarks. I look closely at Luke and realize he does. Brittney walks into the room. "Here's the other one." "You had twins." I screech. (Y/N) nods. "Surprise . His name is Charlie." I slowly start to feel dizzy. I feel (Y/N) slapping me. "Oh no you don't." I pass Luke back into her arms and Brittney gives me Charlie. "Hey, handsome. Your mommy and I love you very much." At that moment two very familiar voices, "Congrats (Y/N)." I look up and see my sister and Frank. I get up from (Y/N)'s bed and rush to give my sister a one-handed hug. "When did you get here?" I ask. "Well, Hazel and I flew in yesterday to come see you guys and Percy texted me that you guys are at the clinic, so we came right here and here we are," Frank explains. "Nico," Hazel chides, "I'm your sister. You're supposed to tell me when your wife goes into labor." "Sorry Haze. I wanted to but I knew you guys wouldn't be able to come, or so I thought, so I figured I would call when the baby's here. Well, babies." "Speaking of them, we're here to see (Y/N) and the twins. Not you Nico." Hazel teases. I pretend to be insulted. "How dare you." Once the visits are done, Brittney tells us we can go home tomorrow. Once she leaves, I tell (Y/N) that I'm going to check on Bianca. I then shadow travel to the underworld. "Daddy." "Hi, Bianca." Hades asks, "How is (Y/N)?" "She's fine. It turns out she had twins." Persephone walks into the room and remarks, "Twins. You guys will have your hands full." "Mmhmm. I'm so excited though." My dad looks amused. "I thought you didn't like kids." "I do now. Bianca is an amazing daughter and I bet Luke and Charlie will be amazing too. Oh. (Y/N) will probably be wondering where I am. See you tomorrow Bianca."  "Wait Daddy, can I sleep in your room tonight? I've never been to my room by myself." "Of course sweetheart. I love you." "Love you too. Bye." I shadow travel back to the clinic. Thankfully no one is in the room. Luke and Charlie are in the cots next to the bed."Hey babe." "Hey." "How ya feelin'." "Not bad. Just tired. And pretty sore." She points between her legs. "Sorry. Hey, I know something that will ease the pain." Her eyes immediately widen and she exclaims. "No way. I'm not going through this for another while. "  I smirk. "You say another while. So you want to do it again?" "Nico." She swats my arm. "You're just as bad as a teenager. You know what I mean. " I just smile. 

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