Charlie's new girlfriend

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 The kids are home from school. Charlie is really excited as soon as he gets in the house he blurts out, "Mom, Mom, guess what? I have a date." "Congratulations honey." You reply. You can't believe how much Charlie has changed in the last few years. His bangs are hanging in his eyes. He pushes his hair back and reveals his gorgeous brown eyes. Lately, he's had a lot of girls all over him. He says it's freaky. "When is your date." Nico comes down the stairs and asks him. "Tomorrow night we're going to the movies." "Sounds fun," Luke replies. "I have a date with Cecily at the movies too." "We could do a double date," Charlie exclaims. The kids are growing up so fast Bianca turned 16 two weeks ago and passed her driver's test. The twins are both 14 and are going to be starting high school in a few months. Bianca sits at the table. She takes a rubber band from her wrist and pulls her black shoulder-length hair into a ponytail. "I'm happy for you, Charlie. It's about time you get a girlfriend." "Hey. I'm not like Luke and Cecily they've known each other their whole lives. I haven't found the perfect girl yet." "Yeah, yeah. Anyways, what's her name?" "Meredith and she's so pretty. She has gorgeous green eyes and brown hair," he says dreamily. He stares into space. His brother punches his arm. "Stop daydreaming about her." "I'm not." Charlie  quickly denies it. "is she that girl in our math class." "Yeah." "Oh her she's kind of hot." "You can't say that I'm telling Cecily. Mom where's my phone?" "Don't I was just kidding." "Liar," Charlie mutters. "OK, next topic," Bianca exclaims before a fight erupts between Charlie and Luke. During dinner all Charlie can talk about is how hot Meredith is. "Gosh Charlie don't you think about anything else anymore," Luke says, clearly annoyed. "Yes, I do. It's just Meredith is so pretty." "OK if you say one more thing about Meredith, I will smack you." Luke threatens. That keeps Charlie quiet. You notice that when he's about to bring up Meredith, he quickly talks about something else to avoid being smacked by his twin. Luke and Charlie look alike, except for their hair and personalities. They both love football, though. "And today he tried flirting with me." Bianca is in the middle of sharing about her day. Luke asks to go to the bathroom. As he's getting up, his phone, dings. " Luke, your phone." You pick it up since it's right next to you and it's facing upwards. "Mom don't ." But it's too late. You've already seen what Noah sent him. 

Noah: WTF you're 14. Why're u gonna do it?

"Care to explain. Luke." "Umm. I uh um." He stutters. "Oh shit." Charlie murmurs. You're too busy focusing on Luke to notice. Luke quickly runs up the stairs and slams his bedroom door. " I'll go talk to him," Nico announces, and then leaves the table and walks up the stairs. " Awkward," Bianca mutters. Half an hour later, Luke and Nico come down the stairs. You open your mouth to say something, but Nico gives you a look that says 'I resolve this don't bring it up.' You quickly close your mouth. "That was an awkward dinner." Bianca breaks the silence. "Yes, it was." Charlie agrees. you're all quiet for the rest of dinner then go to your rooms for bed. 

The next day

"Okay, guys I'm ready." Charlie comes down the stairs in basketball shorts and a black t-shirt. He's wearing his new Jordans. "Charlie, no shoes in the house." "Sorry." His hair is messy as usual, but it looks good. Any teenage girl would think he's hot. 

A minute later Meredith arrives. Charlie opens the door to reveal a girl with long brown hair and green eyes. She's really pretty. You see why Charlie has a huge crush on her. "Bye, kids have fun." "Thanks, mom." "Thanks, Mrs. di Angelo." 

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