Wedding Day!

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(Y/N)'s POV

Wedding day! Today is the day I get married to the man of my dreams. Last night the girls and I took my Jeep to the hotel we would be staying at and the boys took Nico's sports car. We had the rehearsal yesterday and that was fun. This morning we all ate pancakes, but Nico and I could not see each other so we went to breakfast at different times. Nico and the guys went to the gym while we ate then we girls went to watch movies while they ate. Before we knew it it was 3:00 and we had to get to the venue. Time to get ready! Wow! The bridal sweet is gorgeous. I mean I've seen it before, but the people fixed it up for us so that we could have a great time. We all carefully take our dresses out of my car and then we take out the hair and makeup supplies. We decide that we will get the bridesmaids ready first and then I will get ready. Suddenly someone taps me on the shoulder and I see my Hecate. I give her a big hug and ask her what she is doing here. "Well, I'm here for your wedding of course, unless you forgot that you asked me to be your maid of honor." "No, I didn't forget I just didn't think you would come.

Nico's POV

I've been so stressed out today. I haven't been able to see (Y/N) and I am wondering how she is. Because I was not allowed to see her, we had to figure out a breakfast system. Percy, Jason, Frank, and Leo dragged me to the gym while the girls went to eat and then after they finished eating we got to eat. It worked out pretty well and I got to work out. The guys help me get ready because they are my groomsmen and Percy is my best man since I have known him the longest. It does not take us too long to get ready and we then drive to the venue. I can't wait to see my beautiful bride.

(Y/N)'s POV

We are having a blast getting ready. We are playing music and dancing. In the suite, they gave us a basket of snacks so some of us are munching away. After I help the girls and my mom get dressed, they help me. Annabeth and my mother do my hair while Piper does my makeup. Hazel and Calypso help me into my dress. My dress is white with blue swirls on the bottom. It fits tight at the top and the waist it spills out. I have a shoulder-length veil and I'm wearing cute sandals- heels. I feel gorgeous.

Nico's POV

The wedding is starting at 5:00 and now it is 4:30. Guests are arriving. When I see my Hades and Persephone my jaw drops. I did not think my dad would come let alone my step-mother. From the room we are in "backstage," we can see everything. I start pacing. "What if (Y/N) decides not to come? What if she forgets? What if-" "Dude (Y/N) would not have said yes if she wanted to ditch you. Besides, how does she forget? She is literally here. Now chill or I will zap you," Jason responds. "Ok, You're right." "Oh, it's time for us to get out there. The wedding starts in 10 minutes," Percy adds.

(Y/N)'s POV

The wedding is about to start. Hera has been insisting on marrying us because she is the goddess of marriage and how do you say no to a goddess? All of the Olympians plus my mom are here. All the girls walk down the aisle 2 by 2 with their husbands. First Annabeth goes by herself since Percy is holding the rings at the front, then Jason and Piper, Hazel and Frank, Leo and Calypso, and finally my mom. After she goes, my dad and I go down the aisle together. Once we get to the end of the aisle he "giveth this woman" and I stand across from Nico

Nico's POV

I am seeing (Y/N) for the first time today and I am in awe. I'm going over a mental list of things I could have done to deserve such a beautiful, loving woman. We exchange vows. "Niccôlo di Angelo, do you take (Y/N) (L/N) for your lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?" Hera asks. "I do." (Y/N) (L/N, do you take Niccolo di Angelo for your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?  "I do." She replies. "You have declared your consent before the goddess of marriage. May the gods in their goodness strengthen your consent and fill you both with their blessings. What I have joined, men and gods must not divide." She looks at Zeus. We give each other the rings and then Hera says, " You may kiss the bride!" (Y/N) and I kiss and then everyone claps as I practically drag (Y/N) to the reception.

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