Dating Nico

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Nico's POV

"Hey Neeks." "Hey babe. How are you." "Great. How are you." "I'm fine." I'm sitting at a tree by the arena of Camp Half-Blood and my girlfriend (Y/N) comes up to talk to me. She snatches the book from my hands and I exclaim, "Hey! What was that for." "That was for ignoring me." "Sorry babe. I zoned out." "Watcha thinkin' bout." "I was thinking about the pretty girl in front of me." "Aww. I love you too." I grab her waist and pull her into a kiss. She kisses me back and we enjoy it until someone coughs behind us. "Are you guys gonna move or keep eating each other's faces off?" "Leo. Go away." "Who's gonna make me." "Leo. I'm going to count to three. If you're not gone by the time I finish, I'm gonna send you to the underworld the hard way. One, two."  "Eeep. Gotta go. I have an appointment." I smirk. "We're where we my princess." (Y/N) smiles and whispers. "I think we were right here." She pulls me into another kiss. I swipe my tongue on her bottom lip asking for access and she keeps her lips shut. I squeeze her butt causing her to gasp and I make my move. When we pull away we're both panting. "Nico." She complains. "I know you liked that." (Y/N) swats my arm playfully, "Maybe I did."  

(Y/N)'s POV

Nico grabs your arm and drags you to the dining pavilion for lunch. "(N/N), what do you want to eat." "I don't know," You reply, "Whatever you want to eat I guess." Nico takes your hand and you guys go to the buffet. You both get pizza and french fries. You sit down at the Hades table and talk while enjoying your meal. Once the two of you are done eating, you both head over to the arena to train. You take out your twin daggers, Magic and Majesty and he takes out his sword. Since the two of you know each other so well, you know each other, strengths, and weaknesses. He wins three times and you win twice and after you finish, you decide to go to the lake. Before the two of you know it, it's dinner time, and the horn blows. You walk over to the dining pavilion and get in line for food you both get steak and mashed potatoes with a glass of Sprite. While you guys are eating you plan what to do after dinner. The two of you decide to watch a movie in Nico's cabin. After eating you put away your plates and head over to Nico's cabin for the movie. The two of you decide to watch Incredibles One and Two. The next morning when you wake up, you're in Nico's cabin with his arm around you he greets you. "Morning my sunshine how did you sleep?" "I slept very well thanks how about you?" "I slept amazing and when I woke up, I saw a beautiful face." "Whose face are you talking about?"  You tease. "I don't know maybe the girl that's talking to me." " Why thank you, dear. I love you." "I love you too princess." 

Nico's POV

When I wake up this morning, I see (Y/N)'s face. I remember that the two of us fell asleep watching movies last night. She wakes up a few minutes later and we talk. We hear the horn for breakfast, and we both walk out of my cabin in our pajamas. When we get to the pavilion, Percy comes up to us. "What were you doing last night in Nico's cabin." He asks. "We were just watching movies, and we fell asleep." His girlfriend, Annabeth slaps him and tells him. "I told you they weren't doing anything." he looks at us sheepishly and apologizes. (Y/N) and I both have pancakes and bacon. We each have a glass of orange juice on the side. While eating we decide to meet up later after our Greek classes to sword fight in the arena. After we put our plates away, we go separate ways and I think about how I get to see. I just love (Y/N)'s (H/L) (H/C) hair. She likes to keep it out of her face in a ponytail or bun that makes her look even hotter. I head over to my ancient Greek class. (Y/N) has Greek mythology classes, and how to identify monsters. When I get to my class I find a seat and I listen to the teacher going on and on. Our teacher is Annabeth Chase, daughter of Athena. While she's going on and on about ancient and teaching us how to speak it's even better I start to doze off. "Nico." "Oh, sorry, what." "I asked you to read page 39." "Oh, OK." I read the page and when the class is over I meet up with (Y/N). She's already at the arena waiting for me. She's hacking away at some dummies and when I see her I whisper dang. My girlfriend is so hot. She sees me and waves me over we both get into a fighting stance and start dueling. 

(Y/N)'s POV

 After you and Nico part, you go to your Greek mythology class. One of the Athena kids is teaching. While you're learning how to identify monsters and different gods and goddesses you start thinking about Nico. The thought about him makes you excited for later. Class lets out you go to the arena to wait for him. You notice him a few minutes later and he joins you both start dueling. As two hours is fighting you both decide that you're. You go over to his cabin and play Mythomagic. You beat Nico three times and he throws a fit. Once he calms down, he walks you over to your cabin. He kisses you good night, and then shadow travels back to his cabin. In the middle of the night, you have a nightmare that you and Nico were separated, and he almost died you wake up to your sister Lou Ellen shaking you awake. "(Y/N) you were screaming are you OK?" " Yeah, I'm fine I just had a nightmare. Can I go to Nico's cabin for the night?" "Sure I won't tell Chiron as long as you guys don't get up to any funny business." "Lou Ellen, we would never." "Good. Just checking. " You walk over to the Hades cabin and knock on the door not expecting an answer. When Nico announces come in, you're shocked. Nico has tears streaming down his cheeks. You walk over to him and sit on his bed. "I had a nightmare that the two of us got separated and you almost died." "I had the same nightmare, except it was you that almost died.  That's why I came to your cabin." "Well, I'm here now. We can comfort each other." The two of you snuggle into each other's arms and whisper sweet nothings into each other's ears till you both fall asleep. 

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