Annabeth's gender reveal

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Two years later

"Please, Luke." I beg three-year-old Luke for the thousandth time."No, I don't want my coat." "Charlie, please." "No." I sigh. "(Y/n). We need Mommy mode." "Coming." "No Daddy. Don't get Mommy." "Too late." "What's going on?" "Luke didn't want to wear his coat so Charlie's copying him as usual." "Luke put it on." "Mm-hm," Five-year-old Bianca says sassily. "Bianca I don't need backup. That's what Mommy's for." "Luke. I'm going to count to ten. If you don't have your coat on by then, you're going to be in big trouble." (Y/n) warns. "One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine." He quickly puts on his coat. Charlie quickly does the same. "Thank you. Now we have to get going. Aunt Piper, Aunt Hazel, Aunt Clarrise, and the others are waiting." We decided that since we're so close to our friends instead of that Mr and Mrs the kids can call them Aunt and Uncle. All the others liked the idea and it stuck. Today is Annabeth and Percy's gender reveal. (Y/n), Piper, Hazel, and Clarrise all know the gender and are organizing it because it's going to be a surprise for Annabeth and Percy. The rest of us guys don't know because the girls are keeping their lips zipped. We help the kids into their shoes and then get into the car. While driving Bianca whines, "Mommy, I'm bored." "Bianca we'll be there in five minutes. Read a book or something." You see when the children of the seven are born, the gods visit and bless them. Athena gave Bianca maturity beyond her years which results in her being able to read since she was three. Three minutes later we get to the Jackson house. When we get to the Jackson house, Percy lets us in. (Y/n) goes to the family room where all the girls are gathered. The kids all go to play with each other and we guys sit in the living room to watch soccer. Jason and Piper's daughter Cecily and Luke play with each other and ignore the others. I think they might have a thing for each other. An hour later more people start arriving. Travis Stoll and his wife Katie. Connor and his wife Miranda and their daughter Aria.  \Juniper and Grover and their daughter Violet. And Tyson and Ella. Everyone goes to the family and sits down. (Y/n) and Piper are standing at the front. Hazel and Clarrise are holding the flaps on a big box down on either side. "Hey everyone. As you probably know we're all gathered for the Jackson gender reveal. So when I count to three, Hazel and Clarisse will open the box and a balloon will fly out whatever color the balloon is the gender of the baby. Are you guys ready?" "Yes." We all shout. "Okay. Three two one." The box opens and two balloons fly out. They're both pink. Annabeth's hands fly to her mouth. "Oh, my gods. We're having twins." The rest of the party is just chatting and celebrating and finally at five o'clock we all leave. 

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