Luke and Cecily.

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The Graces, the Jacksons, the Zhangs, the Underwoods, the Valdezes, and the two Stoll families, and our family are going on vacation. We all thought that it would be fun for us to get away and we decided that spring would be the perfect time. We're all gathered at (Y/n) and I's house. We're all making sure we have everything. The thirty-one of us are taking a party bus that we rented for the week. Our vacation destination is the beach. We also rented a house on the beach so that way we'll have enough room for all of us. Five-year-old Cecily and Luke run down the stairs with their hands intertwined. I see Piper whispering something to (Y/n) and (Y/n) giggles. I'm about to say something when (Y/n) kicks me in the shin. "Ow. What was that for?" "You were going to say something to Cecily and Luke. Just leave them be. They're only five." Fine. We all go outside and get into the RV. Frank and I help a pregnant Hazel in, and then the rest of us get in. Charlie is sitting next to Tristan Valdez and Violet who's sitting with Selena and Zoe Jackson sit with Aria and Connor and Miranda's son Orion. Luke and Cecily are still sitting next to each other while holding hands. On the drive, all the kids start squeaking and I turn around to see Luke kissing Cecily's cheek. Percy who is driving asks eagerly, "What's going on." Annabeth turns to him and replies. "Luke kissed Cecily." "Cool." He says. Leo yells, "Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Luke has a girlfriend." I glare at him and say, "Leo. My son is only five. He does not have a girlfriend." He flinches and shrinks back at my gaze.  

1 hour later

"We're here." (Y/n), Annabeth and Piper announce. "Yay." The kids run out and into the house. We all walk in and make sleeping arrangements. All the couples have a room and all the kids are sharing a room. The kids run to their room and we guys go back to the RV to get all the luggage. The girls sit at the table and decide what to make for dinner. We come back a few minutes later and Calypso announces, "We're having pizza for dinner. It's much easier than cooking." "Great." "Nico and Percy, please go tell the kids that they have an hour to swim before dinner." (Y/n) asks." "Kay." We go up the stairs to the kids' room. Everyone is running around. "Kids. You guys have an hour to swim before dinner so put on your bathing suits." "Okay." They all put on their swimsuits and rush out the door to the beach. Annabeth blocks the door. "Oh no. First, put on your sunscreen." "But m-o-o-om." Zoe whines. "No buts." The kids all line up and our wives put sunscreen on their backs and necks. "Okay. You guys can go swimming." The kids run out the door into the ocean. "You guys should go keep an eye on the kids." "Okay." We all go outside and sit on the sand.

(Y/N)'s POV

You and the girls order eight pizzas. Four of them are pepperoni and olives and the other four are cheese and olives. You also order 3 sides of pineapple because most of you like pineapple on pizza. (Pineapple belongs on pizza guys) By the time the hour is up, the pizza has arrived. You go to the door and call out, "Guys. Pizza's here." All the kids and men run to the house. "We're hungry." Percy and Leo announce. "You're always hungry." Annabeth and Calypso remark. Everyone grabs pizza and eats. You and the girls discuss what to do for breakfast tomorrow and decided on ordering food because cooking for thirty-one people is a lot of work. After dinner, Luke and Cecily announce that they're getting married. Piper aws and starts dragging you guys outside to plan the wedding. The 'guests' will sit on the grass and Piper will be the priest. She made a little archway that is made of roses. You have no idea where she got roses from. When it's time for the ceremony. "Do you Luke di Angelo take my daughter Cecily Grace as your lawfully wedded fake wife." "I do." Luke chirps. "Do you, Cecily Grace take Luke di Angelo as your lawfully wedded fake husband." "I do." "You may kiss the bride." When Luke kisses Cecily on the cheek Nico looks like he might faint. You slap his face. "It's all in fun Nico." You chide. 

A week later

"Oh my gosh." "What's wrong Hazel," Annabeth asks. "I think I'm going into labor." "Oh my. Piper go get Frank." She commands. "(Y/n), can you get my brother for me." Hazel whimpers. "Of course." You fun upstairs to get Nico. "Nico. Hazel's going into labor and she wants you." "Okay." He runs down the stairs and joins Frank who's holding Hazel's hand. He takes her other hand and gently strokes it. "It'll be okay. I went through this with (Y/n) twice. You'll be fine." 

Later at the hospital

"Okay, guys. Nico meet your niece Arabella." "She's beautiful." (Time skip) You guys all go back to the house except for Hazel and Frank who have to stay at the hospital for another day and enjoy dinner.  

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