The quest (part one)

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Your family has been called to camp. It's the first week of summer and the kids were going to camp, but Chiron wants the whole family. After making sure the kids have everything they need, you leave for camp. When you're there. You see the Graces getting out of their car. You run over to Piper. "Do you know what's going on?" you ask her. "No." When you all get to the big house, you see the Valdez's and the Jacksons waiting with Chiron. When you're all sitting down, Chiron recites the prophecy Rachel Elizabeth Dare just spoke. 

Seven children of the famed seven shall band together

to find the stolen item of the Lord of weather

 without these item, a war will wage

 because of the chaos, lords rage

 the children must go to the land of sorrow 

and the key to life they must borrow 

the daughter of beauty and the son of death 

must save the twin from his final breath

 the trial will test a couples love, 

and if they succeed, there will be no war above. 

When he finishes you all start to discuss the meaning. "Obviously we need the children of the seven to go." Chiron starts. "For starters Luke and Cecily have to go because of the daughter of Beaty and the son of death means them." "Yeah, and we need both sets of twins. Charlie, Selena, and Zoe." " Arrabella is the only Zhang child so that means she has to go." "But who will go for the Valdez." "I think Esperanza. She is very powerful and she will be able to help on the quest." "Hey, what about me." Tristan asks. "Well, you could come just in case, because for our quest, we had Coach Hedge, but the prophecy says only seven children are supposed to go." "Yeah, but the last prophecy didn't involve Coach, but he was still necessary." "Bianca will need someone to stay with." "Fine." "So basically if my boyfriend and I don't save Charlie my best friend also my future brother-in-law will die." Cecily says. When she's says the future brother-in-law part, she looks at Luke and flashes her ring finger at him. He starts blushing. 


You have all finished saying bye  to your kids. After a lot of tears and hugs, you and the other parents with Bianca and Tristan, get into your cars and drive home. The Graces will be staying with you guys until the kids get back from their quest so that way you and Piper can comfort each other.

The next day 

Special luke's POV

We've been fighting monsters for hours. While running, I hear a scream. I turned around and Charlie is on the ground bleeding. I turned to him and gets Cecily and the others. Let me back up a little bit...

So what did you guys think? I'll definitely do a part two on this.

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