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Warning: this chapter has smut. We haven't had good smut in twenty-eight chapters so we need some. You should read the chapter, but I will alert you when the smut starts because the rest of the chapter is really important. I will also alert you when the smut ends 'because you probably want to read the rest of the story.

B- Bianca 



Y- Hey sweetie, are you going to be home for Christmas 

B- I'm not sure. I have to study over break because I have tests when I come back

Y- Oh okay

You're a little disappointed that Bianca won't be home for Christmas. You haven't seen her since she left. It's two days before Christmas Eve today. You get up from the kitchen table and grab a notepad. You start to plan out the menu. You know, it's a little late, but you've been really busy lately and haven't had time. The Graces, the Zhangs, the two Stolls, Valdez's, Merideth's family the Madden's, and the Jacksons are all going to be there. Nico comes home from work an hour later. "Hi, darling." His voice breaks your concentration.  You look up. You've been so engrossed between writing down what to make and pinning the perfect recipes you didn't even realize that he's home. "Hi, Babe." You get up and kiss his nose. He chuckles. "Whatcha doin'." "Planning out the menu for Christmas Eve." You sigh. "Really. Christmas Eve is in two days. Usually, you're done with that." "I know, I've just been busy lately." "Need some help." "Aren't you tired?" He shakes his head. "No. I can help you. Just lemme change first." "Okay." He goes upstairs. A minute later the front door opens. "Hey, Mom." "Hi guys, how was school." "It was fine." The two of them try to hug you but you step back. "Um no. Shower first then hugs." Charlie laughs and Luke puts his hands up in surrender. "Fair enough."  "You win." The two boys run up the stairs with their bags. "Kay I'm ready," Nico announces and then joins you at the table. "Okay, so far I'm thinkin' garlic mash, ribs, lasagna, some of my homemade bread, honey-glazed carrots, and Brussels sprouts." 

Nico looks overwhelmed. "Okay, that's a lot. No brussel sprouts though." 

"Why not?"

 He looks at you like 'seriously'. "You know I hate them." 

"Fine, we can have broccoli." 

"Much better. Now, you're going to need help with all that cooking."

You look at him pleadingly. 

"Fine, I'll help you."

"I can make pie." You didn't realize Charlie is sitting next to you. 

"Oh okay. That would be great." Even though he's all sports, Charlie loves baking. The fridge is always full of whatever he made the day before. On Sundays, he takes over the whole kitchen and makes treats for the week ahead.

 "Charlie, do we still have those brownies you made yesterday?" Nico asks. 

"I think so, why?"

 "Cause I want some." 

Charlie rolls his eyes. "Seriously Dad. You had seven yesterday." 

You look at Charlie. "Please don't give your father any more sugar. He's going to get diabetes."

 "No, I'm not." Your handsome husband argues. 

"Guys, let's focus. Charlie, you said you're going to make pie. What kind." 

"I'm thinkin' apple, peach, and cherry."

 "Okay, but will you be able to handle all of that." 

He gives you a look. "Mom, this is the same person who single-handedly baked a hundred cookies for a bake sale." 

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