Chapter Five

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Morning came around and every hall was a ghost town following classes and the office were empty because spring break hit: teachers, students and other staff got to finally rest. Aiyn woke up early wandering about till father awakes but that'll take hours! Aiyn doesn't have bloody patience to wait so he decides on going into Bael's personal training gym to practice quick thinking skills.

Knocking he didn't receive response; waiting in front of the entry shortly later Bael came by holding a cup of vanilla hot chocolate and another cup filled with strawberries vanilla hot chocolate. Aiyn saw Bael handing a cup over, he thought to himself 'i so deserved this' knowing how fucking long it for this motherfucker to get here, he really doesn't care plus after what's happened last night, yeah, this keeps his mind awake.

They got to training as both did what themselves wanted, Bael using monkey bars while Aiyn attempted 'quick fear tower' as this name speaks for itself. Each level prepares many different scenarios laid very strategically around so with every level you complete it moves up though if you incomplete it'll show an X, obtaining three you'll decrease a level shifting your rank down.

Bael had built this entire thing on his own which is honestly rather quite marvelous I'd say. Entering the first layer taking on across an indoor playground combined with a jungle theme including water, vines, leaves seemingly accurate to an actual jungle. Bael I guess wanted it that way? Hm, I'll never question his decision making.

Aiyn began the first level and already has failed. "Damn it Aiyn!" Laughing he saw Aiyn's attempt at level one which supposedly is hard? "Esh. I could do it easily blindfolded. Also that's the bet." Aiyn squinted his eyes. "Oh you're on." Smirking Aiyn handed Bael The blind fold plus switched the mode to the most difficult possible. Giving a 'good luck' he confidently entered.

Within the first level Bael had failed horribly, Aiyn plotted a sneaky prank with help by another Ars Goetia demon, Aiyn stood laughing, Bael took this opportunity to yonk him inside and now placing the blindfold over his eyes before playfully attacking his younger brother.

My younger brother squirmed away but stopped trying to figure the way out given once more a moment to attack. "Y-you ain- ain't leaving so-so s-soon!" Suppressing my giggles I lifted my head enough that I have full range of his belly. Brother be gged to be freed kicking about.

Satan heard all the commotion waking him. Shutting in down Aiyn ripped off the blindfold at the same moment Bael crawled out breathless, unable to stand. Helping either up all sat there huddled as everyone emerged closer together.

As thick skies covered the entire world above. Clouds of thunder, lightning and rain began to pour and clash. Different elements plus powers mixed-combining all into a single staff. Dragons, all mythical beings inhabited the forest. Heaven noticed this so God sent five angels to exam then report back to him. Arriving below, Lilith and Adam were inside that forest except only Adam came running.

Heavily panting. "Please-help me!" On his knees. In the distance the shadow demon pointed a staff directly at those angelic's. A blast changed them into humans before their heads were blown off flattering blood all over. The being vanished into the shadows just to give their final command.

Aiyn and Satan we're spending quality time together unknowing bout the situation above. As they came to the museum full of unknown breeds housing a statue of these disclosed breeds that are gone from time. Aiyn saw the resemblance it has towards angels but something seems odd since recently sightings have been increasing drastically and demonic reports say:

Report 1:
Weird angelic figures hide in those shadows in search of who knows what. They haven't attacked nor really nothing in this manner of time because I've come in contact with these and it kept saying 'I'm looking for a king, we need our king back!' never stops repeating.

Best report run and two state something rather grim.

Report 2:
I swear these things are haunting me! They come at night creeping at my door disguising themselves as different demons I know, each night I saw it continuously torment me through my thoughts, visions and dreams each more bloody than the last.

I've gone to doctors and tried everything but they seem mortal like us but more immune to holy things. Anything we're harmed by appears if these aren't demonic?

And I can recall in one dream I recently had, I wandered through those woods and on another note, a trail of blood drag meters beyond meters down it. If I'm being honest with you, it looked like really chunky tomato sauce which smelt rather potent-smells good more repulsive as I continue walking.

Reading those made many go insane. Doctors can't figure why. Locating these claims became difficult oddly enough like whatever those creatures are doing to my future people is at random but reports about dreams seem odd.

Thinking about those strange reports made me recap my dream about these bullies wanting me to join them then suddenly drown me? I don't believe this has anything in relation to these things or strange occurrences as I remember nothing with blood. Possibly be just a simple coincidence at most.

Traveling through the library both talked about background and knowledge on each item or site there but one thing which appealed to me was the shadow exhibit. We didn't go there as nobody was allowed though asking father he seemed to avoid my questions on it as like justifying your case with no promoting evidence.

On our way back Dad needed to make a stop at Pandemonium. Hey maybe I can sneak into the burned files and snatch some and take them home. It might be worth reading or looking at plus might even give hints or clues as to who or what these beings are exactly along possibly finding a hidden weakness.

I wish I could understand these strange occurrences in demons.

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