chapter seven

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Report 1:

As one States his adventure through these woods before it was illegal. His statement starts as a friendly group Truth or Dare game for a friend's party and he got asked "truth or dare?" The anonymous male chose there so his friends said " I dare you to go into the spirit forest and spend one full night. " He wanted to kick it up a notch. Deciding to spend a full week without food while camping.

That night he passed everything except food, water and flashlights. Ready he left into the night being seen walking through the thick, heavy, smoke like fog which felt quite dense trailing on but a night exactly like this made him regret his decision. Deeper and deeper, balls began feeling similar to rushing water against his legs making each step extremely more difficult. Once arriving at the woods with great difficulty he needed a breather.

Taking a seat on a log he dropped his supplies beside him. Sitting there rethinking everything images flashed in his head but despite being quite frankly terrified he needed to do this. It grown below five degrees and this fog hasn't cleared giving no insight on where he's going nor am.

I stopped to journal my experience up to this point. Right there, a noise coming from nearby. Trying to figure out the source I spotted an owl high up sitting rather still, I approached to realize the dead animal glued onto the branch I saw below.

From where I once stood appeared a lengthy creature crawling on all fours creepily moving along. That creature disappeared back into the darkness once again leaving me alone. Waiting, nothing happened but fear of somebody killing me. I miss my friends, family, EVERYTHING!!! what if i die out here? Well nobody find me?

I needed to quit being a chicken and suck it up. Landing footprints were left roughly imprinted in the mud. Trailing through this downpour drench beyond belief I came upon some path Brightened up with these lovely red flowers along either side leading towards East. Having no intention of wandering into a unsure path. I wanted to turn but my brain pleaded on the opposite.

I couldn't fail to feel dozens of eyes on me. Following the woods deeper I didn't want to take a chance with some unknown creature again, last time was close and I never have the mind set when anything similarly happens like that.

A week later police get a report that a teen named Oscar who was last seen at a friend's house party when he was there to spend a week in spiritual woods. Once police began their search, it hadn't taken them long to find where and what occurred that night.

His last proclaimed journal entry speaks of how he found a staff on the ground lying there. Checking it out his hands suddenly felt a shock causing him to drop it. Peering down both hands has black spreading. Later on day three he mentions how much his hands hurt and how his thoughts were slowly shifting into murder.

By day 6, he began experiencing murder full thoughts to kill his family and himself. He kept crying on and holding himself back from doing suicide but on day 7 he committed it early in the morning.

Day one: nothing really to talk about today except for me finally having pitched a tent before I also went hunting resulting in some fish from the nearby River. Honestly I thought fish tasted horrible but cooking them over a fire make them taste so much better.

Day two: lovely peaceful Forest out here, I have been wanting water but as I went to throw wood into the fire my wood was almost completely gone so I went hiking for more. Well exploring I come across this staff lying on the ground faintly glowing. Going to pick it up I examined the details before feeling a zap in either hand causing pain. I'd peered terrified at both hands turning black.

day three: I swear that I'm hallucinating. One day my body was normal minus the black then next thing I'm becoming human. In the stress is a way to put this as I'm still in pain but not as bad though I believe the staff has something to do with this though I can't really prove how sadly like am I just going to say 'hey I randomly found a staff and next thing I turned into part human.' I really don't know what to do except wait to see if it goes away.

day four: it hasn't gone down! I turned into almost completely human, I'm scared to even leave or see a doctor because I look absolutely nothing to my ID card and they might take it as fraud. But I can't help to think that I'm free now though is that truly my case or no?

day five: that being! It's back and wanting to kill me! I don't like this anymore I just want to go home and see my family but my head says stay endlessly leaving it up to myself to decide on getting this challenge of continuing forward.

day six: I can't take this anymore. I want these thoughts to stop all together. Now understanding how they humans felt when we dug into their mind picking piece by piece by piece making them lose all insanity or commit suicide. Why these thoughts bake me to kill or even harm my family? I'm starting to lose hope in myself but one more day to go until this stupid challenge is over.

day seven: I couldn't hold myself to home or kill anybody so I guess I'll off myself, by world, you'll be happily glad I've done this.

Then we found him dangling from a tree fully human and not a demon. Finding these entries made others curious about how or why this occurred after touching the staff unless it actually wasn't? Could it be possible which those so-called "practice angels" are really not gone from time?

Sadly father was calling everyone down because they needed to deal with an emergency at the museum as reports say statues are gone leaving trails of crumbled bits all over.

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