chapter sixteen

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Next day shivers didn't show up worrying Aiyn. He'd texted him over 10 times with no answer. Does something happen? Did I do something wrong? Is he okay? These questions flooded his mind. Just then Satan called Aiyn to his office.

Getting there he saw shivers and both parents. "Is there a problem here?" Scared, Satan invites Aiyn to sit down. Shivers parents asked if Aiyn would be interested in tutoring their son for social studies and Aiyn's eyes brightened, the same man whose dirty pleasure is fantasizing about Aiyn.

Aiyn happily agreed and the day continued. They did their classes as normal until lunch rolled around is when Ruby came over wanting to smack Aiyn in the head. Instead Ruby hit the locker almost breaking her hand. She probably tried over a dozen times that lunch only to have unwanted results and no hits even close.

Shivers began adoring Aiyn so much he wrote a love letter containing chocolate. He wandered the school but had no luck finding Aiyn anywhere so going to the office, asking if she could place it in Satan's mailbox for him. Doing just that shivers left back to class.

An hour later Satan and Aiyn alive back from their boring meeting. See mail in the box he took it out reading the front. "Aiyn, there's a letter for you." Snatching he said he'll check at lunch.

When lunch came around Aiyn opened the letter as land and rushed off to find shivers. He found shivers at his locker leaning up against it on his phone. "Yes I'll be your boyfriend!" Shivers smiled, "so... When do you want to come over to my house?" Thinking he replied with "asking or sneaking out and on June 10th?" Aiyn went "sneak out dumbass. Oh and not the 10th because I'm being crowned that evening but on the 12th?" Agreeing they continued as Aiyn went to go ask Beleth for advice on a certain subject.

"Hey asshole, got a moment?" In the middle of class, Beleth said "sure just give me a moment to finish" which honestly doesn't take him long. After he goes "what is it?"

"I rather talk in private." They walked into somewhere private. "Spill the tea."

"I'm in a relationship now with shivers and I'm also gay."

"Congrats and is there something else you'll like to ask or say?"

Embarrassed Aiyn he gathered himself. "Can you take me clothes shopping but for a sexy night with a lover? Please..." Beleth winked. After school Beleth took his younger brother shopping and leaving he gave him some "toys" over just asking for him to sanitize afterwards.

Days went by and before he knew it, Aiyn was being crowned. "How does it feel to officially become King Brother?" Admitting it's odd but he'll get used to it eventually. That night they partied except for all Kings, each went to bed early two exhausted to even do anything.

The next morning Aiyn woke up and throbbing pain unsure why. He made an appointment that very morning wanting to figure out what the problem is and make sure it's not life-threatening. He sat at the doctor's office calmly waiting for his results.

"Hey doc what are the results?"

"Well King Aiyn, I have bad news."

"What's the bad news?"

Aiyn walked home that day making himself promise not to tell anybody the results of his DNA exam.

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